Not 33 BILLION but congress wants to give 40 BILLION of your money away. Money we have to borrow.

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2 years ago

Why does this happen over and over again? My guess is that the Congressmen/women who vote for this get under the table kickbacks that are sizable. They perhaps get deeds to large amounts of land abroad or condos in vacation locations.

2 years ago

We don’t have to “borrow” money…,we can magically CREATE it. And at least HALF of the money sent there will change me right back here to line the pockets of those in power. Remember…..10% for the Big Guy.

2 years ago

Most of the Ukrainian “Aid” Money will be Rebated to the democRats and Quisling rinos that voted for this bill. Deep State DC been very good to it’s players.
Welcome to the USSA,Comrades

2 years ago

I had a conversation with 2 Russian immigrants today. They said the Ukrainian people never see any of that money. It’s being divided up between the Ukranian politicians and the US politicians. They said the Russian people and the Ukrainian people don’t want to fight each other but are being forced to so these politicians can get rich while the people die.

2 years ago

Since we don’t produce hardly anything anymore,we borrow pretty much our entire budget. We owe trillions of dollars in trade deficits around the world. So pretty much everything we have we’ve borrowed. We are just a nation of debtors we no longer generate real money because we don’t generate any real stuff. Try eating digital food, or wearing digital clothes . Yes the emperor has no clothes and everyone is afraid to say it.