The takeaway from this interview with Lin Wood is that we are NOT in a civil war, and soon we will all become aware of that. We have a common enemy, and that is the Chinese Communist Party. Remember, it is in the interest of the CCP if we are fighting with each other… “Divide and Conquer” – divide et impera from Roman times, which means to divide and rule.
It would be advantageous for us to drop this little tidbit on our less educated liberal bretheren, starting with idiot family members. Clearly the mainstream media, the political hacks, and big tech all profit from our battles with each other, but this is being fostered and funded by the CCP for the purpose of weakening us and eventually taking our nation down.
It’s working.
It might be worth, in casual conversation to remind people of this time-tested strategy to topple nations. Perhaps it would be better to be fighting alongside our liberal counterparts, if they can be persuaded without having to compromise anything on our side, against the CCP, rather than fighting both them and the CCP.
Except our liberal counterparts have sided with China. Vichy Americans if you will.
Fair enough, although I submit that the typical liberal gets his news from CNN, MSNBC, and Fakebook. Having said this, would it be fair to suggest that they have absolutely no idea what is at stake? The communist “leaders” in our government know what is at stake, but the typical brain-dead liberal simply spends all of their time in an echo chamber of their own assembly.
The war of northern aggression was an American tragedy. The coming civil war, if we are unable to educate those less informed, will lead to not only deaths between Americans, but the complete loss of our nation to the CCP.
I think they [liberals] do not all believe they have sided with China. Those are the minds we might have a chance of reaching.
Gen. Patton was right. The USA fought the wrong enemy. Like the German people, the Vichy knew the real (((enemy))).
You need to study who theorized, founded, funded, and advised the Chinese Communist Party.
Insurrection act…
So…. the recommendation is that we accept the election fraud?
Good grief. Of course not. Neither Lin Wood, the video, nor my commentary suggest anything of the sort. The election was a fraud, period. We should NEVER accept that, period. The video, and my commentary, is a suggestion to try to reach the few who simply do not know better. So that we don’t have to kill our neighbors or our cousins unnecessarily, if we can get them to see that the CCP, and not us, are their enemy. For every one of those we can convince, then they also [might] get the idea that the election was a fraud and that they were wrong to support Biden, AND that they understand why President Trump is inaugurated again on 20 January 2021.
Tall order? Yeah. Possible? Well, if they can read, then they have at least a tiny chance of comprehending the truth.
Hammers Thor, I agree with your viewpoint and I feel strongly that it is worth a try. I know a few liberals who have had their eyes opened and who now passionately support Trump. One is my sister. She hated Trump and then something happened, perhaps she read something. She began to look into what he’s done and now she is a strong Trump supporter. It can happen.
I have a suggestion for you that I hope you will seriously consider. I find your writing evocative and compelling in its directness and for lack of a better term, sanity. Why don’t you write a book? Books have the ability to reach people and impinge upon them -- good writing can change minds. There’s nobody there trying to convince them greater or argue and make them feel defensive. I hope you will seriously consider writing a book because I have a feeling it would help tremendously.
Thank you Evan. Your comments are humbling and appreciated.
Sorry, there is no time for that. it took the libs the last 50 years to get them where they think they want the country to be. And that place is war. As they support burning looting cheating hating ignoring all history you want to have a debate? They’re hopeless.
When is the last time you reached a libtard and changed his opinion??
Thus the highest form of generalship is to balk the
enemy’s plans; the next best is to prevent the junction
of the enemy’s forces; the next in order is to attack the
enemy’s army in the field; and the worst policy of all is
to besiege walled cities.
Therefore the skillful leader subdues the enemy’s
troops without any fighting; he captures their cities
without laying siege to them; he overthrows their king-
dom without lengthy operations in the field.
With his forces intact he will dispute the mastery of
the Empire, and thus, without losing a man, his triumph
will be complete. This is the method of attacking by
Sun Tzu, The Art of WAR
One thing is 100%
We got our hands full.
Yes sir, We. Got. Our. Hands. Full.
Interesting stuff. Julius Caesar crossed his Rubicon 1-10-49BC. How Poetic.
As has been pointed out a significant percentage of Americans are enemies. They have embraced the evil of Communism and either work directly to impose it on the rest of us or support those are are doing so. They are of two minds. The fanatical believers and the cynical power seekers who don’t believe in anything but gaining power by any means. Neither group is amenable to rational discourse. Neither group will ever give up, go away or quit. The left believes they are now in a position to sieze total control allowing them to enslave all of us. There can be no compromise, no coexistence. You can call it a civil war, a putsch, a coup, an attack, whatever you wish. But the chance for a peaceful resolution is passed. It is us vs them. And our side better wake up soon or our side will end up a footnote in history.
The military needs to shift the balance of power since we are at war and we cannot afford to have a nation of traitors controlling our political system including out intelligence agencies, law enfolrcement, our courts our Governors and our legislative branches.There is no other choice more attractive at this point. Too, many criminals on the left at every level getting away with murder on every level and there is nothing putting the breaks on it! The six corporations responsible for all of our news, radio TV, Net, newspapers, magazines and information “MSM” have to be investigated for Chinese ownership and confiscated for treason. The appalling amount of censorship and non stop lies are coming strait out of the Marxist, Bolshevick, CCP play book There is no convincing Americans who are so brainwashed by Trump hate porn 24/7 as long as these poisonous shills are allowed to exist in our reality.
Sir, we’re surrounded !
No son, we’ve gott’em right where we want them…
We can attack from any direction.
God Bless Our Republic,
DEATH to the new world order,