Not No, Hell No

We do not need a selected carpet bagger as our governor. Remember what he did as attorney general and what Democrat politicians did for WNC: NOTHING.

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3 months ago

The power of computerized “voting” and blue cities is suicide. Without tough love of conservative logic and common sense; chaos reigns supreme.

Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
3 months ago

The Democrats have secured the governorship in NC by smearing Robinson.

3 months ago

LOL… What a joke. What sane person would vote Democrat? I just don’t get it.

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
3 months ago
Reply to  Patriot_One

Its all in the polling. No one is going to tell me that NC is split between communists and conservatives, and there is no way that NC is majority communist. No way. Even in spite of the college towns and the big blue cities. But when they poll “potential voters” they over sample communists, miscreants, long time democrat drones and other left leaning, low IQ voters. This always makes all the polls “close” or “comrade stein” has a slight lead heading into Tuesday. Then, when they commit their fast fraud that they have to do now, when the communist candidate wins the media can pass around the “what promised to be a close race ended up going to comrade numbskull for the win. Democrats credit the victory to a great, vote day ground game…” It works every time. Since Bill Richardson-a democrat-won the governorship in the 90’s in New Mexico, which is a very, very conservative state (hippies in Santa Fe and Taos notwithstanding), they have been using this playbook with laudable success all around the country in all kinds of races, and republicucks played along dutifully. Its what happened to the “red wave” in 2022, and its the play they are making for denying Trump the white house again in 2024. This country is screwed royally, and the only way to fix it is cans of spinach and lots of muscle and resolve. Voting Harder (TM) ain’t gonna get it done. I am sorry for the long reply and I am very, very sorry for coming across as a pedantic if you are well aware of this phenomenon with the polls. Many people seem to be ignoring it, though, and it drives me crazy. I bet if the real truth were reflected in NC’s governor’s race, Robinson would get 55% of the vote minimum and probably a lot more than that. “But, man, just like the polls said that sure was a close race. Comrade Stein pulled it out at the last second. But keep voating more harder folks!”

Ben Trolone
Ben Trolone
3 months ago

I heard the smears, considered the source and felt compelled to vote for Robinson.

3 months ago
Reply to  Ben Trolone

I was born in Raleigh, NC. If I were still living there, I would vote for Robinson too. Trump will need all the help he can get to turn America around from its relentless decline.

$tein, if elected, will prove to be just another ambitious, power-hungry, globalist-controlled, Democrat sell-out who will always vote the party line. Democrats do not care one wit for our values, principles, culture, traditions or Christian morals as bequeathed to us by the founding fathers and mothers of America. And they have stated exactly that, time after time. Wake up, people! Your country is being hi-jacked and destroyed by godless globalists and treasonous politicians, right in front of your very eyes.

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
3 months ago

I voted Robinson.

3 months ago


ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
3 months ago
Reply to  ColdSoldier

Every single time. Haha.

Steady Steve
Steady Steve
3 months ago

It’s an MSDNC touted, deliberately skewed poll.