Not One Person Will Be Held Accountable

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Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago

Gawd how I hate that smirk…
That was one of the tells. The smugness. They were lying. Lying right to everyones face, on camera, and they knew it. They also knew nothing would be done to them…

Your gut tells you its bad. It really is.
There will not be justice through the courts, criminal system, nor politics. Until We The People take up arms and throw off this tyrannical government that has usurped our birthright, it will only continue to get worse! Get your fucking head around that, people. Worse from here, until we collectively decide it is time to fight. THAT is what David is railing on about.
You’re going to have to start killing people. And when you’ve killed enough of them, they will beg you to stop. Give the traitors no quarter, lest we fight this scourge in another 250 years, all over again.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

I could not have imagined the reality of today, one of the worse things is what they are doing to the children. The indoctrination, the pedophiles, I thought that would have set the parents into a killing rage, no it did not. I have commented before that any attempt to detain or arrest me will be taken as a threat to my life and I will act accordingly. Their is only one path left us, and that is to kill every last one of them.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Instead of setting the parents into killing rage, the situation has the parents in a happy lets help them mess our children up more mode.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

you cannot rely on the judicial system in the country any longer, it’s time for the people to take matters into their hands. The government is completely corrupt and must be washed, rinsed and rebuilt.

Last edited 1 year ago by kal
1 year ago

You just now realized that?

1 year ago

Dear Legislators:
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Estimates of Targeted Individuals in the USA (and globally) are now in the millions. The US Dept of Defense, DOJ, the Intelligence Community, and the organized crime organizations that they use -- are the guilty parties in this heinous TI activity.
Rep. Jim Jordan, House judiciary lawmakers hold presser on new whistleblower report (29 minutes)

My local Rutherford County GOP staff told me that the FBI actually came to their offices and demanded lists of anyone who had attended the January 6th rally in DC. They did the same thing in Polk County.  This is unacceptable and I demand that it be stopped.  
The FBI has no place doing anything like this on our sovereign state soil. Why did they think that they could do this in the State of North Carolina in the first place? How in debt is the State of North Carolina to the now completely out of control Federal Government? How much money does North Carolina take from the utterly corrupted, and indebted Federal Government?
Please take whatever steps are necessary to remove the Federal Government from our State Government. Begin by removing the vendor Cloudflare from the NC Approved Vendor List. Cloudflare is a surveillance operation. Cloudflare is a US Defense Department Information Technology darling. Cloudflare has NO BUSINESS providing services to the government of North Carolina. If a vendor also serve the US Dept of Defense, it must be removed. Full Stop.
If you do not get rid of Cloudflare, every move you make will be watched and anticipated by the now out of control organization that continues to call itself Federal Government. This e-mail will be collected as it passes through the firewall. Targeting you will be incredibly easy.
To conclude, I am not “concerned.” I am outraged. There is no room here for ‘concern.’ Every thinking person in this country needs to understand that THEY COULD BE NEXT.  
Best Regards,

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  60GigaHertz

The time of fearful concern is over, we need to put on our big boy pants and start getting busy, time is running out.

1 year ago

Domestic is more difficult and reticent for us to attack, the ChiComs are Very Smart. they have set up a Vichy French system with Bribery instead of kinetic warfare…… and Domestic Lawfare , rigged sElections to defeat we/me/you.
Feral DC Coup gov “Public Service Announcements” to warn Sheeples of “Domestic (MAGA-“Deplorable”-White) Insurgents are about to be released…… Moar Covid Type Brainwashing. Gun Confiscation via Economic shutdown of Citizen purchasing, only Feral gov allowed to purchase guns & ammo. Then some type of “voluntary turn-in” of weapons via Economic Bankster CoerSSion seems likely. imo.
Relying on this website to further the Green Tavern notes to others. Share the info, fly the “American” flag Upside Down on your front door, or better yet a flag from the Revolution of 1775 or 1861. Do Something other than just post. imho.BE a John Hancock at least.

1 year ago

I keep waiting for a Valkyrie/Stauffenberg event. Somewhere in .gov there has to be someone w/access and a soul uncorrupted by the evil stalking the land.