Not That It Matters, But How Is That Voting Working Out For You?

How’s that voting working out for you?

Sen. Raphael Warnock wins Georgia Senate runoff, defeating GOP challenger Herschel Walker

Not that it mattered. But I can only hope that more and more people are waking up to the fact that our elections are useless. You are allowed to vote because it does not matter. These communist have stolen our country and they will not relinquish their power without a fight. Problem is, the method of fighting that we perceive to be the best path is Voting! Makes me laugh.

You know I can’t come out and say what exactly needs to be done in an open forum. Yes, I’ve done my homework. Yes, I am prepared. Yes, I am ready. I’m just not one for waiting for our Lexington and Concord moment. Most people don’t want to hear about or think about what actually needs to be done. They’d rather suffer under their chains of slavery.

We’ve lost the Culture War. Our history, our values, our founding, is all irrelevant. Our society is going to inevitably collapse. But there will be no peaceful walking away. There will be no Balkanization without War. They will not let us be. They want us to conform to their way of life or they want us dead. It’s frustrating. The world is laughing at us Americans. Here we are, armed to the teeth, larger than any army in the world, and we have allowed our country to be stolen from us. We have allowed the Communist to just do as they please. And all we do is sit and stew in silence.

You ask, “What would you have people do?” I can’t tell you here.

But it is time to quit voting!

It is time to quit waiting on someone to come save us!

It is time to quit doing NOTHING!

What are we afraid of? Death? If today is my day to die that is God’s plan. I just hope I can make a difference before that day comes.

Are you afraid of being labeled a traitor? A Domestic terrorist? Newsflash, you are already labeled that. Our founders were called traitors, no worse than what we are being called today. When it comes down to it, many Americans simply don’t have the spine or fortitude to stand up and fight, even with LIBERTY on the line.  Our children and grandchildren deserve better from us. What will you say when they ask what you did to stop the EVIL from ruling the World?


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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

I too am tired of waiting, I cannot co-exist with these vile, satanic demons that have stolen the country. They just stole another seat in the house of whores, I will stay focused on the job ahead of me and work and train and get ready to raise the black flag. I am not afraid of the battle ahead, it is just a matter of when.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Amen, brother.

2 years ago

When it comes down to it, many Americans simply don’t have the spine or fortitude to stand up and fight, even with LIBERTY on the line.”
Very true. Given the date today (Dec 7th), there has been some obvious discussion about how we don’t have the fortitude that the now all but passed, GI generation did. Those people sacrificed and signed up to fight in a foreign war against an equally evil empire. How did we get to what we have become that is so far removed from that?
Fourth turning theory says that the generational archetypes should realign in certain patterns and that this should give rise to a civic generation like that, but I certainly don’t see it, at least yet. Perhaps that triggering event is re quired?

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

The republic establishment lost that Georgia race. Walker was the only negro they could think of to run as republican. His IQ is probably 90. On a good day. He’s all they had? In Illinois it was the same thing. The dem governor was beatable. But the Republicans went out and found the most un electable opponent they could find. A candidate who looked and sounded like he just walked out of Lester Maddox’ Pick Wick Restaurant in 1960. Pretty good memory, huh? Leave it up to the republican establishment to hold us down. It’s their job.

2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

Stopping that “red wave”…its the McConnell way.

2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

It’s difficult to win elections when your opponent cheats. That’s why republicans won big in Iowa and Florida, they hardened their election system to eliminate fraud.

2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

And, in Pennsylvania they ran a Muslim against someone who is brain dead and couldn’t win. Great job republicans.

2 years ago

Everyone who wants to go to war to save the U.S., I get it. However, maybe we should start with the fact that a significant majority of the youth favor Marxism. I understand, you are fighting for your kids and grandkids, but their peers are fighting for Marxism. You won’t win a physical war. You don’t have the military on your side. It has been corrupted. We all slept through the indoctrination via education. Here we are now.

You can’t win this war with weapons, no matter how much you love them. We have to turn this around with cleverness; outthinking them, out playing them, outsmarting them. We have to build communities and link them together. We need a NEW non-formal party (it takes too long to go the formal route). We need to infiltrate their everything. We need conservative businesses with innovative products like non-tracking devices and cars.

But, in the end, the mall is open and there is toilet paper on the shelves in the grocery stores, so all is good. The U.S. is the county of apathy and comfort, and it hasn’t gotten uncomfortable enough yet.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Zhenna

You cannot convince me that we will not win, weapons are just a tool, the determined few will and can win, period.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Good luck. I hope we go Brazil. In the meantime, you might want to broaden your thinking and consider some of my suggestions as additional options.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zhenna

Mall is open with no A/C on… tells you enough about what’s happening

June J
June J
2 years ago
Reply to  Zhenna

Those pesky Torries thought the same thing…no way could the patriots defeat the might British army.
Live free or die.

2 years ago
Reply to  June J

Different times. Guerrilla Warfare has always won. It is the only way to win. However, the U.S. is massive in population right now and I doubt most people would get involved. Not to mention, again, that a significant population of the youth want Marxism, not liberty.

My belief is that we should be using everything we can to turn this around. I live in a low population area where I have had to fight bully, ex-realtors who terrorized the valley for many years. I beat them 100% of the time, at every turn, by outsmarting them. They resorted to violence, I worked smarter and I won.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zhenna
2 years ago

Democracy-allowing the Enemy to Operate Open and Freely to “Prove” how Good the System is.

White Supremacy -anyone not supporting “The Current Thing” Regime.

Republicans- a diversion

Vote Harder, It’ll work next time.
They Promise.

Get Ready for Change, ain’t nothing to stop it now.

2 years ago

I feel your pain Wes! Agreed 110%

2 years ago

Ready and waiting as well.
Our time might be when the US loses currency status and collapses overnight, but it’ll be a very small window. The globalists want this collapse to suspend the constitution with martial law and usher in pure communism.

2 years ago

I don’t know what Jesus Warnoke follows? Jesus hates abortion, hates handing over little ones to the god of Molech/Baal! Warnoke is ok with abortion. He’s a false teacher. GA needs to wake up!

2 years ago
Reply to  Martha

GA is Diversified like most of the USSA. Atlanta is a democRat “Occupied City” like DC and Every other large city. Rural areas are Patriot majorities except for University towns, and Feral Gov installation areas, including military bases. Elected Repubs are basically worthless,or worse; trading winners and losers prior to voting.

2 years ago

Think like a foreign freedom fighter in those foreign lands that our military has been sent to for the last 60+ yrs. Chose your time and place and make it count. If it be at your own home(they love making house calls), your driveway or they take out a pet of yours that’s leashed securely and not a threat to them at all, choose your moment and make it count! Open hand or weapons free it’s your moment to make that call. All of us sheepdogs will be remembered by those who really knew us. That’s what will really count. Inspire those locals near you to carry that fire onward and forward! IMUA brothers and sisters! STAY FROSTY…STRENGTH and HONOR…

Gunnar's Mom
Gunnar's Mom
2 years ago

I have been reading here everyday for years. Have never commented.
I’ve been building, what my very close friends call Noah’s Ark for years. I have 5 grown children (2 complete snowflakes) and 3 grands. I appreciate every article and every commenter here. I lived in PA in ’08. Swallowed the whole “hope and change” at the time much to my eternal embarrassment. Buyers remorse hit the very next day for not trusting my gut instinct. Been building ever since. I have gone to CC classes etc. Still not very good but working on it.
As far as the greatest generation/ fourth turning/ Gen Z stepping up. My daughter, the snowflake, is Gen Z. Weird as they come, but strong in her convictions even though they are skewed. My grandfather fought at midway. His nick name in High school was “cuddles”. Worked on the farm. Hated killing chickens when he went home from school at lunch which was his chore. Gentle giant. Steel worker his whole life after the war. My point IS, the greastest generation had NO choice. They stepped up. I am praying that my snowflake and her “normal” sibs will do the same out of necessity.
Moved to NC ages ago. Some here have referenced near me. I grow a huge garden. Ex: 600lbs of tomatoes this year. I have 5 acres. I am the treasurer of my little country church. (They must know I’m the real deal to trust a Yankee with the books. haha) I read books like crazy. All kinds. I was a teacher but could not stand the bureaucracy. Anyway “The South was Right” cemented the theory that what I was taught and DID NOT believe was wrong. The second book that scared the begeezus out of me was “One Second After”.
I’ve been trying to be ready. My church needs me even if half are 80 year old woke former hippies. Good people but afraid of the things they shouldn’t be. Pastor had outside services during covid on the tailgate of his truck. I applauded him for that even though he got shotted and boosted and told everyone else to also. Big negative. My church is 90% over 75yrs old. All scared. Sad
I have my 101 year old grandmom living with me. No vax or mask for either of us. We both got it late 2021 as did the rest of my kids, including the 6 month old at the time. Had the “horse” meds on hand but never needed to use them. My church community is full of out of control A-fib, blood clots, heart problems, strokes, seizures, shingles. These people are old. Everytime they tell me they got another booster, I want to cry. I feel that I can’t tell them. They are lost. They trust me but if I question them, I feel the trust will be gone; if you know what I am saying.
I’m sorry this is so long. I just wanted to let you all know that I appreciate and am prepared myself for what comes. I HOPE!
Thanks for letting me vent

TS Tuppence
TS Tuppence
2 years ago

Silly me…growing up being told and believing that we had a standing military- 4 branches no less- sworn to protect against enemies foreign…and DOMESTIC. Guess they’re too busy just following orders, ma’am.
I know what’s coming…and yet it’s worse than I can imagine, but I take comfort in the glory it brings and which it consumes. So I guess, YMMV.

Last edited 2 years ago by TS Tuppence
2 years ago

Voting is Not going to avert the coming economic collapse and dissolution of the USSA. Putting any remaining morality aside (because it obviously does not matter anymore to the Wokesters.) The Economic Reset cooks everyone’s goose, especially Wokesters who voted FOR IT!!!
Repub Quislings are obviously worthless.
Share NC Renegade far & wide, it gets a good response from the normal conservative populace.