Note to those who oppose to what they call “one world government” or a “new world order”: This is the big fight.

Note to those who oppose to what they call “one world government” or a “new world order”: This is the big fight.

Indeed, the decision to keep the text of TPP secret was itself classified as secret:

Democratic Senator Wyden – the head of the committee which is supposed to oversee it – is so furious about the lack of access that he has introduced legislation to force disclosure.

Republican House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa is so upset by it that he has leaked a document on his website to show what’s going on.

What is everyone so furious about?

An international treaty being negotiated in secret which would not only crack down on Internet privacy much more than SOPA or ACTA, but would actually destroy the sovereignty of the U.S. and all other signatories.

It is called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

Wyden is the chairman of the trade committee in the Senate … the committee which is supposed to have jurisdiction over the TPP.

Wyden is also on the Senate Intelligence Committee, and so he and his staff have high security clearances and are normally able to look at classified documents.

And yet Wyden and his staff have been denied access to the TPP’s text.


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[…] Note to those who oppose to what they call “one world government” or a “new world … ( […]


[…] Note to those who oppose to what they call “one world government” or a “new world … ( […]