The War Is Lost – Zelenski Will Leave – The White House Has Failed
Time’s big new story is quite revealing:
‘Nobody Believes in Our Victory Like I Do.’ Inside Volodymyr Zelensky’s Struggle to Keep Ukraine in the Fight – Time – Oct. 30, 2023
That offensive has proceeded at an excruciating pace and with enormous losses, making it ever more difficult for Zelensky to convince partners that victory is around the corner. With the outbreak of war in Israel, even keeping the world’s attention on Ukraine has become a major challenge.
Quoting a soldier on the front of the counter-offensive, the Economist agrees:
“Left Handed”, an infantryman fighting at the front between Robotyne and Verbove, says Ukrainian losses have increased to alarming levels, in part due to the work of drones. The plains of Zaporizhia have turned their back on life, he says. “It’s hellish. Corpses, the smell of corpses, death, blood and fear. Not a whiff of life, just the stench of death.” Those in units such as his own had more chance of dying than surviving. “Seventy-thirty. Some don’t even see their first battle.”
The war in Ukraine will go down in history as the beginning of the end of Western hegemony. People do not want to acknowledge that the West used Ukraine to launder money, overthrow the government in the Maidan Color Revolution and allowed Ukraine to bomb its own citizens in the Donbas. The billions of dollars spent and hundreds of thousands of dead continue to be overlooked to cover up corruption, biolabs and illegal seizure of Russian assets.
How do I know that the war in Ukraine is over? Simple: a new and bigger war in the Middle East will overshadow this Russian victory. And if that does not work, how about a nuclear world war? I know the course of our future is set by evil men even though there were some warnings:
Even today, people still promote this war as a defeat of Russia. Then again, some fools still take the COVID-19 booster. The fat lady has finished singing in Ukraine as she travels to Gaza. History will become what the victors will write of these times and who will be blamed. I do not know who is more to blame: the evil men who currently manipulate the “world” or the people who accept this evil. In the end, here are some words to remember:
If we pray for guidance and do what is righteous, we can provide our children with a brighter future.
David DeGerolamo
Lord, help me each day to walk in your Spirit and not in my flesh. Help me to stand for those who cannot stand for themselves. Help me to be the man you have called me to be. Help me to listen for your quiet voice when all the world is screaming so loudly. Help me not to be afraid when it is my time to stand. And then help me to stand!
When the war ends, and the rubble is cleared away, many secrets will be revealed.
The war did exactly what the WEF and NWO needed, the transfer of war materials from the last bastion of freedom, the US, to its enemies while leaving the US wide open to attacks internally making it far easier for China to attack and roll in to the Western US. From Covid to WW3 this has all been scripted by rich psychopathic actors.
Remember all that ammunition and all those arms that the kenyan’s administration had the Park Service the IRS, the Post Office, the treasury etc buying, wanna bet those are going to be fielded by those “military aged” men coming across the southern and northern borders?
We need someone to come forward and provide Maps of the weapons/ammo caches placed throughout the country during Operation Jade Helm. As I understand millions of guns and billions of rounds are out there.
Beautifully stated, David. 🙏🫶
That about covers it pretty well.
Add to that: Resistance! Resist idiotic mandates (social distancing, masks, etc.). Resist evil mandates (remember the Hebrew midwives). Resist unconstitutional mandates (do NOT permit them to disarm you).
Wean yourself off federal subsidies -- and that includes Medicare, etc. Social security is likely to be digitalized and your receipt dependent on your social credit score.
STOP supporting the globalists. Don’t buy their stuff. E.g., my color printer died at the predetermined time. I will not give the globalists any more of my scare money to buy another one of their printers which also has planed obsolescence built into it. Don’t buy their poisoned food. Grow your own and buy from local farmers whom you trust.
Connect with your neighbors if you can and connect with your family if you can.