Now That the Polls Are Closed

I saw the above picture on Facebook.

1.”For Christ Sake” should be “For Christ’s Sake”. What is the difference? One is taking the Lord’s name in vain and the other is asking us to do something for Christ’s Sake.

2. For Christ’s Sake? Really? If you support this sign’s message, you need to find a church that teaches the Word of God. Does anyone believe that Jesus is supporting Tea Party candidates that certain men and women deem fit for you to vote for?

3. “Vote Tea Party”? As I have written previously, Tea Party endorsements based on personal relationships or feelings will not give us effective government. Case in point. Ed Goodwin for Secretary of State is more qualified than Kenn Gardner? Both served as chairmen for their respective county commissioners’ board. Chowan County (Goodwin) annual budget: $16 million. Wake County (Gardner) annual budget: $900 million.

4. I will “assume” that the author of this “message” would have us also believe that Jesus is wanting us to vote “Republican”.

How do we win our country back from vain and aspiring men? By education and electing competent civil servants at all levels of government. How do we flush the country down the toilet? By voting for political ideologies and politicians who are incompetent or accept a label other than PATRIOT. As for the above sign: it represents everything wrong with the Tea Party in one succinct message.

David DeGerolamo

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