NRA And Sen. John Cornyn Propose Bill To Expand Background Checks

A new NRA-backed bill would encourage states to share information on the “mentally ill” with the federal background check system for gun sales.

NRA A+ rated Sen. John Cornyn of Texas introduced the Mental Health and Safe Communities Act two weeks ago, after several mass shootings that made news earlier this summer.

The bill would increase federal law enforcement grants to states that choose to share “at least 90 percent” of their records on people with serious mental problems with the federal background check database. States that refuse to share such information could also face penalties.


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9 years ago

Cornyn is a Traitor

Mental health is the avenue to gun control..
It was used to confiscate guns in Eastern Europe prior to WWII..

American Psychiatric Asso: Half of Americans are mentally ill..
After crafting by politicians and Media all will be crazy except for them..

300 million prescriptions for psychiatric drugs were written in 2009 alone..
Your children on medication for ADHD?
Single woman with children diagnosed with depression?

Be careful what you ask for…….


Obama’s Surgeon General Opens His Mouth Again On His Anti-Gun Statements..
Barack Hussein Obama’s anti-gun Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has made a number of comments to demonstrate his hatred for the US Constitution and the Second Amendment. Among those comments, following his confirmation, was one in which he called gun violence a “public health issue.” Now, he’s affirming his feminist, emotional appeal to violating the rights of gun owners.

Murthy told the Asian American Journalists Association convention that he continues to promote moves toward gun confiscation. Gun control, after all, is nothing more than a continued effort to full gun confiscation.

The Second Amendment is abundantly clear that the federal government has absolutely no right to infringe on the rights of the people regarding restricting or regulations arms.

To promote such thinking is un-American, un-biblical and treasonous against the People of the united States.

Mr. Murthy deserves the same fate as the treasonous usurper-in-chief who appointed him, as far as the US Constitution is concerned and the people should demand that justice be enforced against both of them.

Fed up
Fed up
9 years ago

Thank you Rich. I know that the government likes to put Vets on drugs for PTSD and any other thing they can as a way of sedating the vets “situation”. The school systems also in order to get more tax money and create mental health and social worker jobs like to diagnose children as mentally challenged in some way. Look at the stats of Autism over the past few years. It’s big business and they will never get a gun. The gun grabbers don’t have to get the guns right now, they can wait until all of us patriotic 2nd Amendmenters just die off. The treasonable acts done by our leaders should give us pause long enough for us to say, “get the ropes”.