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2 years ago


Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago
Reply to  Janice

I agree.

2 years ago

Yes, there needs to be a Nuremberg II-type trials. Going to a medical clinic or hospital is now something to be wary of. One is left to consider which doctor or nurse, etc., is a murderer, or murderous in their behavior in terms of knowingly administering and/or coercing individuals to get the Covid-19 injections, with the prospects for harm or damage such as with comorbidities, when they had the wherewithal to do their own research as individual institutions as to what studies were done, or which were neglected in being carried out, and in formally presenting the findings if deemed contradictory, to the appropriate higher-ups. This goes for the fraudulent PCR tests too. They can’t merely parrot what others, whether established authorities or supervisory personnel dictate to them, and posit themselves as informed medical personnel with the highest and most advanced medical science (the inoculation) at their disposal, particularly when they were observing the opposite effects in themselves, coworkers and patients.

Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

The Co-vid is everywhere. The Co-vid is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see Co-vid when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel Co-vid when you go to work… when you go to church… when you pay your taxes.

Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago

W.I.T.F. is going to instigate and lead this ?
Your representatives?

Boobus AmeriKanus themselves?

There will be no… NUREMBERG 2.0.
At best, you will get hearings, and committees. In other words, a Dial Emergency 9-1-1 Commission.

2 years ago
Reply to  Elder Son

It may be a situational thing that permits it, such as protests at hospitals, medical clinics, pharmacies, workplaces, universities, within sports, in entertainment, and across the societal spectrum and it may not even be solely covid-19 related, but rather many cumulative issues along with increasing dissent within the medical community, thereby gaining momentum for a colossal decision of some sort; unprecedented amounts of lawsuits at so many levels that it wreaks havoc societally, and in terms of an increasing worker shortage, perhaps leading the authorities to decide it may be best to conduct such trials in quelling a civil disturbance. Also if the outcry leads to further loss of profits with more restaurants and other according businesses, it’s a potentiality.