Nutty Norwegians: Christian Party wants 10,000 Syrian Muslims admitted to the country

by Ann Corcoran

Can you say death wish!


The day after the Norwegian Christian Democratic Party (KrF) congress said a resounding yes to accept 10,000 Muslim refugees from Syria, the party discussed how the country should manage to take care of all of these, plus the 5,000 who already are waiting in reception centers.

Welcome to Norway! We want to give you all sorts of taxpayer-funded stuff!

The Party decided that the refugees should get two-year introduction jobs with wages subsidies from the state, parental guidance course, right to daycare for all asylum children and increased government subsidies for resettlement.

The Christian Party is a support party for the Norwegian government, which consist of the Progress Party (FrP) and the Conservative Party (Høyre).

Norwegians should open their homes to them as well!

Earlier this week, the Christian Party also suggested that Norwegians should open their own homes to traumatized Muslim refugees from Syria.

One has to wonder why the Christian Party hasn’t received news of the ongoing Christian genocide by the same Muslims in the Middle East.

To American readers:

Don’t forget, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees has 11,000 picked out for the US right now, and US resettlement contractors want us to take 65,000 Syrians by the end of Obama’s term in office.


h/t Marcia B

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9 years ago

first of all there is no such thing as Christian democrats, that’s an oxy moron, we all know what democraps stands for. it stands for filth, perversion, sodomy, drugs, and every unclean spirit in that name. If the so called oxy moron people want to import terrorist ISIS Syrians into there nation, who cares, this is Gods judgement on them and there entire nation for there filth and vileness which they have sunk to. the Norwegian people and there filthy government are a blasphemous race of people and have been under satanic influences many years now, there nation is about gone now. they will get what they deserve when the terrorists cut there freaking heads off and there will be no one coming to rescue them as well as there children. these islamic animals also cut heads off of children with no lament at all. So to the Nords, you are headed straight into the pits of hell by the people whom you have invited in with open arms.

9 years ago

Yes Bill that’s one way to put it….Another way to put it is, it’s like giving a monkey a large candy bar and a loaded revolver with a light trigger pull. Nucking Futts!

9 years ago
Reply to  Hillbilly

Could have not stated it any better then you have. and this same mind set is settling into the U.S. under the obongo monkey sodomite in the white house. here is another oxy moron, how could one be an islamic whack job but be a sodomite at the same time, Which is Obama.