Obama Administration issues Martial Law Directive

December 11, 2013. Washington. Bureaucrats and politicians will never use the term Martial Law. Instead, the phrase ‘continuity of government’ is substituted. In reality, they’re the same thing. Last month, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence – the head of the entire US intelligence and security apparatus – released instructions for the implementation of Martial Law in America.

The federal government’s planning for Martial Law in America stopped being a conspiracy theory after the attacks on 9/11. Numerous Executive Orders, Presidential Directives, and other unilateral dictates by the Executive Branch have spelled out in great detail how Martial Law can and will be enforced in the event of a national emergency. But the timing of the latest Intelligence Directive – November 12, 2013 – makes many Americans wonder what exactly the Obama administration knows that the rest of us don’t.

NSPD 51 & HSPD 20 – National Continuity Policy

On May 9, 2007, President George W. Bush signed a, ‘National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive.’ The combined document included, ‘National Security Presidential Directive 51 (NSPD 51)’ and ‘Homeland Security Presidential Directive 20 (HSPD 20).’

The first paragraph of the 2007 Presidential Directive describes its intended purpose:

‘This directive establishes a comprehensive national policy on the continuity of Federal Government structures and operations and a single National Continuity Coordinator responsible for coordinating the development and implementation of Federal continuity policies. This policy establishes “National Essential Functions,” prescribes continuity requirements for all executive departments and agencies, and provides guidance for State, local, territorial, and tribal governments, and private sector organizations in order to ensure a comprehensive and integrated national continuity program that will enhance the credibility of our national security posture and enable a more rapid and effective response to and recovery from a national emergency.’


Click here to view the full NSPD51/HSPD20 Presidential Directive

Read the complete text of Intelligence Community Directive 118

h/t Tom R

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