Obama Administration Launches Plan to Make an “Internet ID” a Reality

by Michael Krieger

It appears the status quo may be finally making its moves to getting control over the heretofore free and open internet. As I and many others have noted previously, the internet is one of the most powerful tools humanity has ever devised. It frees information in a way that was simply unimaginable decades ago and empowers each of us to be as informed or uninformed as we desire.

Just last week in my post, Say Goodbye to “Net Neutrality” – New FCC Proposal Will Permit Discrimination of Web Content, I mused that in so-called “first world” countries like the U.S. the illusion of freedom must be maintained even as civil liberties are eroded. Thus censorship must be administered surreptitiously and slowly. The following plan to implement an “Internet ID” will initially only be rolled out as a pilot program in two states (Michigan and Pennsylvania), and will only deal with government services. That said, we can see where all of this is ultimately headed, and the program, called the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace, should be monitored closely going forward.

Vice reported on this a few days ago:


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True Blue
True Blue
10 years ago

So, requiring ID to protect the integrity of our elections is ‘racist’ and therefore verbooten; yet requiring ID to access the internet from your own home is somehow okay?
I am now waiting for Rod Serling to calmly explain how I ended up in this particular episode of ‘The Twilight Zone’.