Obama EPA Chief Can’t Say Whether Climate Models Were False Or Not


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9 years ago

“I have plenty of evidence that…climate change is real, it’s happening, it’s happening right now…”

And the sky is falling.

It falling right now.

And we HAVE to do something…

We simply MUST do SOMETHING, right now, to FIX IT.

Listen closely, folks, with the ear of a parent. This is exactly the same as the cry of a 3 or 4 year old, who isn’t getting what they want from their siblings, who goes to a parent and conflates the problem into a dire emergency; as often as not, there is no objectivity or truth in such complaints, only the urgent and overwhelming demand that the problem be “FIXED” -- that is, changed to the youngster’s satisfaction.

And so it is with all these climate claims -- they are not mature declarations, or rational pronouncements, but are instead outbursts of pure emotion, lacking objectivity or truth; they are but demands that someone FIX the thing that is unsatisfactory to their juvenile and undisciplined minds.

For all the fits these climate-obsessive nut jobs are having, I’d say it’s time to take away their toys, and put them down for a nap. Or in this case, take away their budget and their right to vote, and turn them out from every last position of influence and authority which they may hold, declaring them for the despicable and untrustworthy freaks that they are.

Because any adult who still operates with the mind of a child, ought still to be treated like a child.


9 years ago

Has everyone forgotten that the epa conducted illegal experiments on children as young as 10, without educated consent ?
If there were any justice or nonneutered members of Congress the rogue agency would be doing hard time or swinging by now.

Tom Angle
9 years ago
Reply to  fjord

Not to mention that the federal government has not authority to regulate or protect the environment. It well past time to close down all illegal agencies of the federal government.