Obama Implementing Martial Law Coup!

If Alex Jones is starting to make sense to me, we must be getting close. Not in the sense of a martial law coup but I agree that something is wrong with Executive Order 12919.

David DeGerolamo

Related Articles:

Executive Order 12919: Don’t Believe the Pundits

WHY THE NDRP E.O. OF 3/16/2012 IS DIFFERENT – Ann Barnhardt

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Peggy Ramthun
Peggy Ramthun
12 years ago

Its not just Obama!
The GOP majority in the house and most of the GOP Senate votes for all the unconstitutional bills. JUST one example NDAA. They all voted for most of what Obama wants
The scary notion is that people think if we just get the GOP back in power everything will be fine. If you want a list I will be happy to provide