Obama Says Women Are “Indisputably Better” Than Men, And Should Lead Every Country
Speaking at a private event in Singapore on Monday, President Obama said that if women ran every country, we would all live with significantly improved living standards and there would be less war and strife. When it comes to leadership, women are “indisputably better” than men, Obama said, according to the BBC, which was apparently invited to the event.
Most of the world’s problems, Obama said, stem from too many old men in positions of power, an obvious slight directed at President Donald Trump, though he wasn’t explicitly named.
I have to wonder if Obama is being blackmailed by Hillary or if he just recognizes that the Democrat 2020 candidates have no chance of winning the election. I have no doubt that Hillary will step in to save the party as the One who can beat Trump again.
As for women leaders, I have no issues supporting qualified candidates and leaders. I just do not see one running (officially and unofficially) for the US 2020 nomination. In fact, Hillary, Pelosi, Waters, Jackson Lee and Warren are probably the worst examples of female leadership in the world. Even worse are the men holding (or have held) office who are too effeminate to be effective leaders and have become apologetics for their gender.
The world has become a dangerous place. I cannot imagine a worse case scenario for WW III than Hillary Clinton:
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David DeGerolamo
David -- -- He is setting things in motion so that Moochelle The Tranny can run for “its” Husband’s previous office….
He knows Bilary is a looser, however, he is telegraphing that Moochelle will be a candidate.
My take on this exactly, 173dVietVet. TET.
I still think Hillary will be the nominee. Time will time.
Identity candidates are a bad idea, so watch for the GOP to offer us Nikki Haley in 2024. It may be the start of the big split. Perfect example of why Women do NOT make for better leaders, based on their gender. I would vote for a women only if I thought she would defend the constitution, And she has proven she would not just the Michelle or Hillary. Just my opinion as a women.
Magrrit11 -- -- I do not think Nikki Haley is eligible to run for Prez or V-Preez.
She was born 20 Jan 1972 in Bamberg, South Carolina. Her parents Dr. Ajit and Raj Randhawa are Indian Punjabi Sikh immigrants from Amritsar, India. I believe that they were not US citizens at the time of her birth and thus, she is not a “natural born citizen”..
To be a natural born citizen, one must be born in the US of two parents who, at the time of the birth, are also US citizens. This definition has existed from the origination of the Constitution, but has been misunderstood as many just think being native born is the same thing. The purpose of the requirement was to prevent those who might have split loyalties to the US and to the countries that their parent immigrated from.
Was Woebama a Natural Born Citizen ?? Good question. I believe that Frank Marshal Davis, big-time Communist and pornographer, knocked up Woebamaz slut mother and she quickly latched onto the Kenyan Woebama Sr. with the idea that he might be able to claim US citizenship if he had an American family. That way her bastard son would have a father and she would not shame herself and her family with an out-of-wedlock birth. (Us old guys remember when that was actually a big deal among one’s community….and something to be avoided !!)
But because of the heavily faked “birth certificate” we may never know the real truth for decades, if ever. I am assuming herein that Woebama was actually born in Hawaii and that Davis was his biological father, but if not, then he clearly was an Usurper and everything he did while in office had no legitimacy…..