Obama lifts ban on selling U.S. arms to Hanoi in a bitter irony for Vietnam veterans

President Obama is given flowers by Linh Tran, the ceremonial flower girl, as he arrives Sunday at Noi Bai International Airport in Hanoi, Vietnam. (Associated Press)

U.S. President Obama on Monday lifted a half-century ban on selling arms to Vietnam, a move that is raising concerns among some Vietnam War veterans.

“At this stage, both sides have established a level of trust and cooperation, including between our militaries, that is reflective of common interests and mutual respect,” said Mr. Obama in Hanoi during his first visit to the country. “This change will ensure that Vietnam has access to the equipment it needs to defend itself and removes a lingering vestige of the Cold War.”

He said every U.S. arms sale would be reviewed case by case to take into account Vietnam’s human-rights record.

At a joint press conference with Mr. Obama, Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang said the two countries are “former enemies turned friends.”

“And now we are comprehensive partners,” he said.



I am old enough to remember Vietnam. I will not buy any goods made in Vietnam. As for this pResident, how is the Veteran’s Administration working out?

David DeGerolamo

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8 years ago

He really likes pissing off the American people, doesn’t he… What a putrid piece of swine excrement!

8 years ago

One side of this is it will give China pause possibly providing U.S. leverage with them (as a bargaining chip to force China to pressure North Korea or back off on their island building) as Vietnam fears China domination and fought a brief war against them in the 70’s (giving a good account of themselves). The Chinese would not want Vietnam to have top line American weapons.

But with Obama and his keystone cop administration who knows???

But that being said the radical left and its current leader Barrack Saul Alinsky Obama has and will continue to do anything to diminish the United States of America and stick a finger in the eye of anyone not a radical leftist because he is a dark, evil anti American who despises our Judeo/Christian heritage and Constitution. He is a perversion pResident in many ways not just in the bathroom.

As a Vietnam Veteran I am far far past being offended by my government and many of my own countrymen…too much foul water under that bridge for insults to impact me now. I gave a good account of myself fighting Godless, atheistic, murdering communism and wear that as a badge of honor.

8 years ago

Again I’m in tears…guess the military industry is running out of places to sell arms to.