Obama on U.S. hostages held in Iran


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Fed up
Fed up
9 years ago

unbelievable…. no, I mean he is unbelievable. Why wasn’t it brought up as , Hey before we go any further why don’t you just bring those hostages you have up to the airport. We’ll bring them back and you guys will get great press. This deal would seem to my people more like a good thing then and you can brag about having our asses in your mouth even more”.

9 years ago

Is he, or, rather, does he think we’re that friggin’ stupid as to NOT tie the release of any “prisoners” to this ghastly deal? I mean REALLY? What an ass!

His attempt to obfuscate the reality of Iran getting a nuclear weapon makes me want to puke. This guy is out of control and what saddens, rather, disgusts, me most is that congress is doing nothing to stop him. It’s within THEIR power to stop him yet all I hear are crickets. What the hell did we hire/elect them for???

If he were the head of a major corporation, (which the US has now become), he’d have been fired a long time ago.