President Obama today condemned those who have called for denying Syrian refugees entry to the United States because of the deadly attacks in Paris Friday.
“That’s shameful. That’s not American. That’s not who we are,” Obama said to reporters at the G-20 Summit in Antalya, Turkey.
Obama, in particular, also targeted remarks from some Republicans in the wake of the attacks who have suggested screening refugees seeking entry into the United States to make sure they are Christians and not Muslims.
Then again, does anyone care what this pResident feels?
David DeGerolamo
Most certainly not
“That’s shameful. That’s not American. That’s not who we are,”
Well if that’s what 0bama thinks, it’s just one more bit of proof that he’s deficient in his knowledge of our (not his) American history. Many, many people were turned away at Ellis Island, either for physical defects which would prevent them from being productive members of society, as well as for reasons of mental, social, or political incompatibility with our society.
But then again, 0bama’s motives have nothing to do with compatibility of any type or kind -- on the contrary, 0bama wants to import those people who are least compatible, and particularly favoring those whos intentions are the very antithesis of what it means to be American.