Obama Thinks He Is President of a Democracy

President Obama spoke at the National Council of La Raza’s annual conference on July 25, 2011. It appears that his base from the 2008 elections is abandoning him and he is branching out. Since his first re-election campaign video is in Spanish (below), we see where he will be focusing his voting strategy through 2012.


Although I agree with him that our immigration system is broken, his idea of reform will not get him votes from the American public. During his address, Mr. Obama made the following statement concerning our form of government:

That’s not how our democracy functions.

As we are watching the debt ceiling crisis unfold into what may become a non-event, we are forgetting to watch what he is doing while we are being distracted. Let’s hope an executive order concerning immigration is not forthcoming.

David DeGerolamo

Obama: ‘I need a dance partner’ on immigration reform

America’s immigration system is broken, but pressure from a larger political movement is needed to fix it, President Barack Obama said Monday.

“The idea of doing things on my own is very tempting. I promise you, not just on immigration reform. But that’s not how our system works. That’s not how our democracy functions. That’s not how our Constitution is written,” Obama said at the National Council of La Raza’s annual conference.

“Let’s be honest, I need a dance partner here, and the floor is empty,” he added, referring to the need for bipartisan congressional support to pass an immigration reform measure.

Members of the audience responded by chanting, “Yes you can, yes you can.”

“I need you to keep building a movement for change outside of Washington, one they can’t stop, one that’s greater than this community,” Obama told them.

Obama Calls for “Rich” to Pay Their Fair Share


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