Obama to Waive Counter-Terror Measures to Aid Iran

Jeh Johnson

The Obama administration has announced that it will not enforce new counter-terrorism measures passed by an overwhelming bipartisan majority in Congress because they could harm Iranian business interests, according to new instructions issued by the Department of Homeland Security.

The administration’s decision to waive portions of a new counter-terrorism law aimed at preventing terrorism-linked individuals from traveling to the United States comes on the heels of a lobbying effort by pro-Iran organizations and other Arab advocacy groups, including the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR.

Congress last year tightened restrictions on the Visa Waiver Program, which facilitates travel between the United States and 38 other partner countries, to ensure that individuals from Iran and other countries with a terrorist footprint do not enter the United States without first obtaining a visa.

Top Iranian officials objected to the new counter-terror measures, saying that they would harm Iranian business interests and could force the Islamic Republic to walk away from the recently implemented nuclear agreement.



And some people still believe that there is hope for the government.

The train wreck will soon be here. I often wonder who is the most culpable: Obama, Congress or the military leadership?

David DeGerolamo

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