Obama: ‘We Are Going to Contribute $3 Billion to the Green Climate Fund’

President Obama at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. (AP Photo)

Speaking at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia on Saturday, President Barack Obama vowed to contribute $3 billion from the U.S. Treasury to the United Nation’s Green Climate Fund.

“We are going to contribute $3 billion to the Green Climate Fund so we can help developing nations deal with climate change,” said Obama.

The Green Climate Fund says that it aims to promote a “paradigm shift” in the use of energy and in development.

“The Fund will contribute to the achievement of the ultimate objective of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC),” the fund says on its website. “In the context of sustainable development, the Fund will promote the paradigm shift towards low-emission and climate-resilient development pathways by providing support to developing countries to limit or reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt to the impacts of climate change, taking into account the needs of those developing countries particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. The Fund will be guided by the principles and provisions of the Convention.”



I want my money back. Seriously. When will it be enough of our “fair share” to stop these thieves (otherwise known as “leaders”) from stealing our money under the guise of taxation to fund pipe dreams, buy votes and enslave us?

David DeGerolamo

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The Willpower
10 years ago

“We” Let him take the three billion out of his own account and leave “we” out of it. POS

10 years ago

Nothing beats spending OTHER PEOPLE’S money…
and this ass has wasted more than any pResident in our country’s history.

10 years ago

His handlers pushing Barry to continue to crash the dollar through lies..

Again, the Republicans will not save anything -- they are complicit!!