Obama: ‘We’ are to blame, not Islamic terrorism, for massacre

Omar Mateen called the cops to pledge his fealty to ISIS as he was carrying out his mass murderer in Orlando early Sunday morning. Twelve hours later, the president of the United States declared that “we have no definitive assessment on the motivation” of Omar Mateen but that “we know he was a person filled with hate.”

So I guess the president thinks Mateen didn’t mean it?

Here again, and horribly, we have an unmistakable indication that Obama finds it astonishingly easy to divorce himself from a reality he doesn’t like — the reality of the Islamist terror war against the United States and how it is moving to our shores in the form of lone-wolf attacks.

He called it “terror,” which it is. But using the word “terror” without a limiting and defining adjective is like a doctor calling a disease “cancer” without making note of the affected area of the body — because if he doesn’t know where the cancer is and what form it takes, he cannot attack it effectively and seek to extirpate it.



While the above article is the author’s opinion, Obama’s speech today did not inspire confidence in his ability to stop future attacks or any intent to stop his Immivasion of the country with Muslims. I believe this one event will impact the election. However, I also believe there will be more attacks throughout the summer.

David DeGerolamo

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Tom Angle
8 years ago

Is this not what ISIS was created for? To ratchet up enough fear that people scream for the government to do something?

8 years ago

ahhh yes the top down method .. im not a fan of it . however am not a fan of the homo movement either . perhaps ill sit this fight out till they come knocking looking for a fight with me . either of them

8 years ago

As I have been saying for years now, 
there is only ONE solution to the muslim problem –

Kill every last muslim,
Burn every last copy of their satanic book.
Burn every last mosque to the ground.
Burn every last dwelling they have occupied,
And wherever you must burn,
Salt the ground heavily.