Robert Kiyosaki: Why the Ultimate Stock Market Crash Will Begin in 2016

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8 years ago

I was active in the Promise Keepers movement and attended one every year throughout the mid 90’s to about 2003 or 2004 as it tapered down and then dissipated. (Stand in the Gap in DC was something!)

For four years I organized and held a PK Men’s Bible study in my home, twice a month, with about 50 men coming through…with 8 hard core regulars who never missed a study.

One of the regulars was Fred…who two years ago went home to be with the Lord.

One night we were talking, waiting for everyone, just me and Fred, about America and its cultural decline and Fred said in a firm voice: “I believe God is going judge America through its wealth…He is going to bring us to our knees.” -- What is unique about this is the sensation that went through me like an electrical shock the second Fred finished speaking -- it rivaled other powerful supernatural spiritual experiences I have had involving God.

I knew in that moment of time that Fred had just prophesied what was going to happen to America…our wealth is going to be taken away from U.S. and we are going to be brought to our knees (and deservedly so -- unless a miracle of repentance/revival breaks out) through and by the judgement of God.

All the secular angst coming to a head in the rigged Wall Street casino…all the thumb on the scales by the FED…all the crony back room deals and elitists thefts and cons and subterfuge are going to to be dealt with by the hand that deals all the cards. Coming soon to a 51% pagan country near you.

Back in the BJ day (before Jesus) when $ was one of my many idols I read all the Rich Dad Poor Dad books -- Phhhhhptttt -- After my road to Damascus stroll I went Biblical with my $…and a funny thing happened…twenty years later I ended up with more $ then I ever dreamed of having or deserved.

All I did was the KIBS program. (Keep it Biblical Stupid).

Average Joe
Average Joe
8 years ago

Considering that companies have been “loaned” money to repurchase countless shares of their own stock, the unknown number of shares held by governments and their agents, combined with the willingness and ability of our central banksters to print all the fiat currency they see fit for any purpose they see fit, the only way it can crash if it is by design.