First and foremost I want to remind ALL my brave readers to go over to American Partisan and read my good friend NC Scout’s excellent essay titled Welcome to Appalachistan and then pass it along to somebody they care about.
I told Scout that it was one of the best damn essay’s I have read in a LONG time. Very rarely do I read something nowadays that gives me both HOPE AND FUEL! I mean let’s be honest, there is a severe shortage of BALLSY and TRUTHFUL articles out there lately. Most writers who claim to be quote “Dissidents” are nothing but neutered Civic Nationalist who want to skirt around the real issue or talk in lofty platitudes about the DIRE situation this country is in.
To quote the joker “What happened, did your balls drop off?”
I mean let’s lay our cards on the table here: when the Federal Globo-Homo makes a habit of threatening “Right Wing Americans” and calling MAGA people “Semi-Fascist” and “Domestic Terrorist” things have gone off the rails full stop and the ice cream has turned to literal SHIT, agreed?
AREA OCHO Blog put it best:
This nation is separated into armed camps. They are polarized like no other time since the 1860s:
You have the hard-core Communists of Antifa, BLM, and their cronies. They are armed, violent, and just itching to get their revolution on. They are using the J6 protest as their Reichstag fire, an excuse to seize power.
The so-called MAGA Republicans, who represent the majority of the politically aware right, are sick of the bullshit and are pushing back. They are not looking for a fight, but are well armed and pissed off. All they wanted was to be left alone.
There are the kiddie diddlers. The fags, trannies, and other deviants who see the power vacuum as a way to be able to fuck little kids. The left is content to let them have their way with your kids, as long as they throw their weight behind this commie takeover.
Then there is the “go along to get along” pussy wing of the Republican party, the political whores whose only core value is to do whatever it takes to remain in power, even if that means kissing Democrat ass to stay there. Their chairman is Mitch McConnel. He is ready to kiss Biden’s ring, proving that he is out of touch with mainstream Republicans and unfit to manage a Planet Smoothie franchise.
All I know is that this new move to inflammatory rhetoric by the President is not a good sign.
Only three things left to do now dear readers if you have not already started…
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The tyrant pedo joe, just declared open season on anyone not bending the knee to the illegal communist regime. Did you notice the blood red background, with the military standing there? Well, the threats are real, and they are determined to kill us or lock us up. I have made my choice, I ask forgiveness of my sins daily, and seek guidance from my Lord Jesus Christ. I have sharpened my sword to a razor edge and am ready willing and able to defend what is left of the Republic, so help me God.
Well said Tom. If we don’t start standing up to this vile crap our grandchildren will be sex slaves and sacrifices for the most vile and disgusting piles of shit since Caligula!
We can tell our grandchildren we stuck with Truth! ‼️💖🙏🏽
Gorilla School
TY for sticking with Truth that is the only weapon we need. That’s the weapon the warmongers fear most. Thank you for sticking hard with Truth.