OBX TEA Party: Sep 11 Overpasses Remember Benghazi & Impeach Event

Mark your calendars for September 11th for our next local Overpasses to Impeach 0bama event.

We are making headlines. Come, show your colors openly to your neighbors and friends. Maybe, just maybe, people will see us stand up unified for a good cause and will start to FINALLY wise up to the Marxist president who thinks he was elected to be our royal, unquestionable, infallible monarch (regardless of his race or mixture thereof)!

  • Remember Benghazi and the Navy Seals who died at the Libyan Embassy exactly one year ago!
  • Remember the Navy Seals team that died in the helicopter “accident”!
  • What about the rush to war with Syria!
  • What do you think about the unconstitutional Executive Orders to put us under international law!
  • And the little-by-little taking of our right to self-defense!
  • Illegal aliens are of interest to the left only as undocumented Democrats ready to overwhelm our election process to vote for their generous new masters – justice or stolen votes????

Do something besides swear at the television.

More details will follow.

Liberals and Multiculturalism – One World Government Tool to Control Us

Excerpt from videos to understand the modern liberal mind by Evan Sayets:

“. . . The multiculturalist must de facto [become] a[n] apologist for tyranny [emphasis mine].

“He must also de facto become antagonist to liberty [emphasis mine]. And, in fact, if you extrapolate this out to all of those who are indiscriminate across the board, not just with regard to culture, but they must de facto become antagonistic towards all that is good, right, and successful. And antagonistic towards all that is evil, failed, and wrong. Think about it this way: if we can agree, if we can stipulate that the United States is the most successful nation in human history, that we are the most prosperous — that we are the strongest, that we are the most ingenuous and creative and productive.

“If we can stipulate that, this needs to be explained. And in essence there are only two possibilities to explain this. Either there is something exceptional about our culture, about our founding documents, about the unprecedented Judeo-Christian heritage, about our Protestant work ethic, whatever it is, it combines to create culture. And that what is exceptional about our culture nurtures productivity, prosperity, strength.

“Or there is nothing special about our culture and, therefore, our success is an unjust. And the duration we are now finishing the first decade of the second American century. The duration and the magnitude of our success makes this injustice not just accidental, not just some luck along the way. It’s got to be proof positive of our having cheated. Our success is de factor unjust and the degree of our success proves that we are the most unjust peoples in the history of the world [emphasis mine].

“At this point the modern liberal, the multiculturalists has already taken one of those two possibilities off the table. He cannot believe that it is an exceptional culture because he wouldn’t be a multiculturalist if he could[emphasis mine]. So with only two possibilities and having removed one of them from the table, the modern liberal does not have to engage in what he considers a hate crime which is rational and moral thought because the answer is pre-ordained.”

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