Occupy Miami

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13 years ago

Two sides wrong will never make either right.

Don’t know what more needs to be said to the Occupy folks about the 1st Amendment … it does not guarantee immunity from prosecution for tresspass.

I would rather argue to abolish the body of ordinances “malum prohibitum” than waste any more energy on the behaviors of the Occupiers.

Build a barricade around the Occupy encampments, call it Coventry (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Send_to_Coventry), and let them wallow in their filth and experience the complete consequences of their lifestyle.

Regarding the storm troopers … HOW many armed thugs are required to rout and subdue a handful of anemic college age kids?

The lines of Centurions beating on shields with batons evokes images of an MGM production of the Roman legions clearing peasant rabble from a barbarian village.

So, both wrong and neither likely to achieve redemption in their current lifetime.

Comic relief: one LEO held his riot shield with POLICE upside down.

13 years ago

things are bad enough for them to refuse to follow orders; that day is coming, though