Oh SH*T! This is why they’re INVADING America, it all makes sense now 

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tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

While they become stronger, we grow weaker by the day, right before our eyes their army marches in. They are given an all expense paid vacation before they are ordered to do the job of killing off American citizens. Do you think this is another conspiracy, wild ravings of a lunatic? Why do you think the IRS, USPS and every other agency is buying exorbitant amounts of arms and ammunition, it sure as hell is not for there employees. We need to organize and fast, time is running out.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Figured this out soon after Biden was installed, so i am not surprised. At least we know where to go to get more ammo…

kal kal
kal kal
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Towards the end of the kenyan’s term he instituted the purchase of ammunition, small arms. mines rocket launchers for various agencies, none of which were actual military application. Suspicious at the time. I posted that he was merely arming his “private” army that he had spoken of. It becomes clear, he was arming the insurgent and foreign troops that are invading the country now. The kenyan, puller of the biden air-puppet’s string and the democrat party are traitors, and the moment is coming that the fight must begin. Like the day after the re-election of the orange man.

1 year ago
Reply to  kal kal

If we even get that far. 2024 may last for years

1 year ago
Reply to  kal kal

Good. When they fall, their weapons can be collected. Watch for chips in the weapons.

1 year ago

So democrats have put forth legislation to give citizenship to any (undocumented) aka illegal alien who honorably serves in the armed forces upon completion of their time in service. They say it is a win/win because the military can not meet its recruitment numbers. Oh Gee! What could possibly go wrong? These clowns will follow orders, even unconstitutional orders because they don’t even know what the US constitution is and they don’t care. If ordered into the streets of Anytown America and told to disarm American citizens, they will follow those orders. This ain’t your Daddy’s army any more! 🤬🤬🤬

1 year ago
Reply to  X-BEAST

Addendum to my above comment: Most of these guys are Chinese nationals. Do you think it’s possible that their primary loyalty is with the CCP?

kal kal
kal kal
1 year ago
Reply to  X-BEAST

Please remember that it is Chinese LAW, requires that every Chinese citizen IS A SPY for the CCP when in a foreign country. Each of these people trying to cross now should be detained as enemy agents.

1 year ago
Reply to  X-BEAST

or actual units of the PLA??? with Arms/Ammo especially RPGs already in place?
Our own fixed conceptions prevent conceiving that others can plan long term, especially ChiComs.
A repeat of a Dec 7th no longer lives in Infamy, neither does 9/11 or Jan 6th. Domestic Treason involved in all three.

1 year ago

Durbin needs to ask himself why the White Americans refuse to join the military. And correct that problem. He can’t. He’s a big part of the problem.

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

We will have to make their presence cost them in blood. I will cost our blood as well. Even more of our blood, but we cannot let them win. Get ready ladies and gents! Purchase your ammo and finalize weapon purchases.

1 year ago

Will the Service Chiefs and other GOs stand up and say, “Hell no”, or will they shamelessly acquiesce, the way our current corps of generals and admirals do so well? No need to tell me, I already know the answer.

1 year ago

They should be treated as a foreign army committing an invasion and shot on site.

kal kal
kal kal
1 year ago
Reply to  Noway2

to make it legal, they are spies.

1 year ago

Actually, I have watched this for years. I consider them to be working age men. However, if they are here when the collapse occurs, then they could be a real problem. I hear that the potential Muslim “terrorists” don’t have to come across the southern border. There are plenty of them working in passport and visa offices all over the world. They can get on a plane and fly right in to the US.

kal kal
kal kal
1 year ago
Reply to  Nobody

Dearborn, MI

1 year ago
Reply to  kal kal

Years ago my (nominally Sunni) wife and I visited Dearborn. She’s secular; she was APPALLED at the women in hijabs or more. Signs in Arabic. She asked if we were still in America.

1 year ago

At some point in time, I believe the traitors in the federal government plan to use these so-called “immigrants” against the American people. They fear the people and, most of all, they fear their arms.

Did you ever wonder what everyday life was like for the average citizen living in Rome during the last dying days of the Roman empire? Well, wonder no more. Our enemies are not only at the gates, they’re also in charge of them and have deliberately left them wide open. Why? What have they planned for us?

Stay stocked-up; stay trained-up. And, be on constant alert for signs of imminent threat or danger.

kal kal
kal kal
1 year ago
Reply to  strider777

of course, Boston announced immies here can vote.

1 year ago
Reply to  kal kal

John Adams is screaming for another revolution from his grave. And rightfully so.

Al Bino
Al Bino
1 year ago

‘Put yo back into it!’
‘You got taxes to pay, those honorable men in the military aren’t going to kill for free.’

1 year ago

“Who”would want to join the Wokester Pantygone USSA-NEOCON military??? Better to form your local 2nd Amendment organization.
at Least you get to protect your family and home area.