Old Way, New Way

The world has changed, but social reality hasn’t yet caught up with political and physical reality. This is the summer of anticipation. The winter of discontent is next. Come next spring, we will all be living on a strange and different planet. Dmitry Orlov

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Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

The thing with this summer, this winter, etc… and nothing really happens does not help attract people that sit on the fence. We are playing right into their psyop game. We need to stop pretending we can predict the future (I have not heard anyone predict it with any accuracy) and reacting to it and start going on the offensive. You win by being offensive.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

Agree Thomas, the tyrants are on the offense, and it is working for them, all we do is wait in anticipation for their next move.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

Thomas, it’s not a prediction. It’s an observation of what’s actually taking place right now. And looking at the probable future. Saudi Arabia was just asked to join the BRICS. Iran, Egypt, Argentina are also joining. The BRICS will have about 70% of the world’s population in their corner real soon. People that will no longer need the US dollar. The West will become the outsider. Our currency will become totally worthless by then. WW3 is what the politicians may resort to, in order to keep the dollar alive. Not a very cheery tomorrow. Prep.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

I was talking about the overall writing of those on “our side”. They have predicted wrong and went along with a lot of things in the last couple of years. The enemy has us on our heels and we are just reacting to what they do and what we “think” they are doing. Only once did we do anything (and it most likely was not us) offensive and that was on 6 Jan. We got our nose bloodied a little and then we stopped. Look how they reacted, they where terrified. Instead we ran home and kept quiet.

As I said, you cannot win without going on the offensive. There are a lot of non-violent things we could do.

Yeah, we all should know that the US needs to be broken to carry on the next faze. The more broken we allow them to make us is the less we can control our own destiny.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

Thomas, I agree. The monster is big. I think the beast is about to get taken down a few notches. We shall see.

2 years ago

I have been reading Orlov’s works since he started publishing books. Aside from having a great sense of humor, I think he is spot on, in his analysis of what is going on!

2 years ago

Some feel The Saker is a Russian mouthpiece. Doesn’t really matter. Reality is reality. This is more than you will ever get from the MSM. Predictions? Forecast? Taking too long to come to fruition? Doesn’t matter. Gonna happen whether we see it now or later. Gonna happen. No way out. Just be ready and well prepared. Ain’t gonna be pretty.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

Eddie, the Saker is one the sites I go to on a daily basis. Every adult must make up their own mind. I like to read a wide array of opinions. It’s the only way to learn. Andrei Martyanov is my favorite. The old guy makes me laugh with his sense of humor.

2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

And you are correct to get a multitude of opinions. That is our duty.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

I reccomend Henry Makow for info regarding the Khazarian mafia that is at the top of the pyramid of evil, geoengineeringwatch.org with Dane Wigington for weather warfare and climate control.

2 years ago

I have listened to doomsayers for fifty years, I have learned to take them with a grain of salt. None the less it sure looks like the sky is really falling this time from several singular or combined issues.

I really don’t care what the govt, libs or sheeple think. We will not change their minds and I gave up trying decades ago. I have been a contrarian all my life and I am comfortable here. I am continuing to improve my independence! I hope to be completely independent by the time I croak!

Finally, I think Orlov has an important perspective!