Older people have skills and not afraid to work…Will take everyone working together to survive.

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2 years ago

All ages are necessary for a healthy community. Thanks for the recognition of the contribution of us old folks, we really can help!

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

A lot of knowledge is going to disappear when the boomers kick the bucket. If I were young, I’d strike up a conversation with old folks now and then. Pick their brains. I was thinking about this just the other day. Our parents were our bridge to the old days. Just the meaning of old time sayings and where they originated was interesting. My parents were born at the beginning of the automobile days. 1920. They were just getting electricity. A lot of my generation did the transition from prop job aircraft to the Space Shuttle. From typewriters to computers. I’m concerned that drugs, crap music and pop culture have broken the connection. Let’s work on it.

2 of 5
2 of 5
2 years ago

Finally, someone that realizes that the older generation has ‘basic’ knowledge to offer. He or she may be a bit up front or in your face but, have patients and show interest, they have skills you only dream of. They have already made most of the mistakes your fixin to make. Just sayin