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“The Bible is the rock on which this Republic rests.”
-- Andrew Jackson
“The Bible is the rock on which this Republic rests.”
-- Andrew Jackson
So the good book sayeth.
II Chronicle 7:14….
that frickin’ book is what GUARANTEES you people will lose this war.
your refusal to accept who really wrote it, force ffed it to you and why. It’s nothing but Sun Tzu Art Of War against your minds and it’s worked.
It’s truly sad to witness.
Surprise that DRenegade didn’t delete your post given his dislike of profanity even the near versions.
Clearly, you’ve never read the Bible properly. The cowardly pulpit folks neutered the very strong war against evil message.
One of many scriptures about being a warrior.
Psalms 144: 1 1 Blessed be the LORD, my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. 2He is my steadfast love and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer. He is my shield, in whom I take refuge, who subdues peoples under me.…
And Jesus whipping the moneychangers out of His Father’s House.
John 2: …14In the temple courts He found men selling cattle, sheep, and doves, and money changers seated at their tables. 15So He made a whip out of cords and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle. He poured out the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. 16To those selling doves He said, “Get these out of here! How dare you turn My Father’s house into a marketplace!”…
So perhaps before throwing the baby out with the dirty bathwater you might want to educate yourself on how the Bible was a keystone in the creation of our Republic and the Constitution.
frickin’ is profanity ?
I most certainly have read it more “properly” than you seem to think.
You’ve been had.
Jackknife you fail to understand that the bible isn’t a wimpy book but the basis of many real warriors’ lifestyle.
Apparently actually reading the Bible is too time consuming for you. It is worth the time.
But you can find time to be divisive and condescending. Pity.
Proverbs 22:10 and many others.
YOU fail to understand the trick being played on your mind and who did it.
I know it takes tremendous strength to face this and I also have come to know must just can’t handle it.
Daniel 12:10
“Many shall be purified and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.”
Many will not hear nor ever understand. Many read it yet are not immersed in Him nor His Word.
Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Ahhh, Jackknife you’re accidently right. It does guarantee people will lose this war, specifically because of who wrote it, but more so, because we’ve fallen short of what He said to do.
The biggest mistake you (or all of us) can do is to be thinking we’ve made no mistake.
Don’t be scared, being perfect is a goal not a prerequisite.
(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
2 Corinthians 10:4 Mathew Henry commentaries:
10:1-6 While others thought meanly, and spake scornfully of the apostle, he had low thoughts, and spake humbly of himself. We should be aware of our own infirmities, and think humbly of ourselves, even when men reproach us. The work of the ministry is a spiritual warfare with spiritual enemies, and for spiritual purposes. Outward force is not the method of the gospel, but strong persuasions, by the power of truth and the meekness of wisdom. Conscience is accountable to God only; and people must be persuaded to God and their duty, not driven by force. Thus the weapons of our warfare are very powerful; the evidence of truth is convincing. What opposition is made against the gospel, by the powers of sin and Satan in the hearts of men! But observe the conquest the word of God gains. The appointed means, however feeble they appear to some, will be mighty through God. And the preaching of the cross, by men of faith and prayer, has always been fatal to idolatry, impiety, and wickedness.
As of now, I believe he is willinly, or unwillingly
(most likely) Controlled Opposition. There is a very subtle hint. That’s why I give him the benefit of doubt, because of the subtlety, ohhh so subtle.
EVERYTHING is a lie ….. but don’t touch my jesus.
Doesn’t that at least make you wonder and question it ?
I’m one of those old testament type of believers. I can’t wait for the Lord to tell me to go forth with a “sword!” Right now, the Lord has me building the temple with the sword at the ready! : )
That’s in the O.T. Check it out.
check it out ? I HAVE read it, already said so.
You need a book to tell you to have a sword at the ready and when to go ? ok
What is the greatest sword wielded in the Bible, and who wields it?
Guys, I think we’ve been had. Hear me out. I liked his song too but…Oliver Anthony is a fraud. He parrots leftist talking points as in ‘diversity is our strength’ and his ‘southern accent’ seems to come and go? His cadence of speech, mechanics and usage of the english language are incongruous with the story of his alleged background. I wonder why. He is a psy op. He is placating the ANGRY US political right, just like the ‘Q’ psy op the americans fell for. what’s worse is the leftist media even fuckn told us he was a fn PLANT to laugh at us as we denied their claims. WAKE UP!
I believe ‘james dean’ jason aldean is a fraud too.
And putin the ‘orthodox christian’ champion signed anti-semite laws? He signed a law levying a penalty on any ‘holocaust deniers’ of 3 years in prison! So if this is true, putin is controlled by the jews, just like trump family and cadre. the white american christian is the new native american.
Bannon is a fraud too. He admitted to being a zionist. Sorry to be late to the party if yall knew that!
yes, Putin is a fraud, so is Bannon, so is Beck, Tucker, JFK jr. and countless others. All off them really.
Always look for the connection to a particular tribe. They’re either one of them or clearly sold out to them. Once you see it, you will know who the actual enemy are and have been throughout history,
It seems that the people listed above as frauds are the ones who are speaking the truth and backing it up with facts. So what does that make you?
Mr. Renegade,
you just can’t see they are only telling half truths They’re roll is to keep you away from the actual target.
Many of these truth teller talking heads point out Klaus Schwab as one of the globalists destroying us for example. This is of course true. But the people listed above NEVER point out the tribe he belongs to.
It’s no coincidence all the CEO’s, the head of the CDC, Fauci, head of the WHO, Bill Gates etc. are all of the exact same tribe with the exact same goal.
Just can’t see it can you ? What does that make you ?
The person who has the authority to remove liars from the site.
I was born and raised in Va. I walked the battlefields of Yorktown and Jamestown. I do not come to your site to deceive. I agree with jack about these frauds.
There is a tribe within the tribe. Do you know the difference? Most don’t.
No fucking jew fought for this land. Not one Founder was a jew.
Your sick. There is evil in every tribe, is that so hard to comprehend?
Another thought, What happened to your “respect?”
Not the subject. Can you then answer the question to Jack without soiling yourself. If you can’t ID the enemy then you’re a liability.
Problem as i see it:
People are looking for that one silver bullet. The easy target, the easy fix, the one final solution.
War is more complicated than that.
Dren, respectfully I will say the frauds listed above HAVE TO give some truth in order to be convincing. Trump and jordan petersen are teaching us through example TO COMPLY. Petersen is one of those guys who will give us 95% of what we want to hear and then that rogue 5% will derail our irate offense.
All trump has done is comply with the outrageous demands of the left. And now petersen is ordered to be re-educated and he said HE IS GOING TO COMPLY.
Yes, and that makes them merely minions. You’ve been given the truth but you won’t see it.
Thanks for keeping the comments open.
The people who founded this nation felt an individuals right to express their thougts and opinions, even if unpopular, was sacrosanct. Ideas need to be brought out into the light and discussed as rational adults, not mocked and ridiculed because they conflict with ours. Sound logic does not shrink from being examined, but lobbing epithets is not examination.
As has been said so many times, so many ways, we are being divided by our common enemy instead of united against them.
No wonder there has been no action, we are not unified in cause, voice, nor purpose. The impending lockdowns, mask mandates, and injection b.s. is going to continue to hold our side back while the left advances their agenda by leaps and bounds. And we fight among ourselves complaining we have no leader?
Congrats. To borrow a phrase from one of my favorite modern poets, “Put a quarter in your ass cuz you played yourself.”
I think Oliver’s reading was a kind of invitation to join him in seeking to end our ignorance. That’s beautiful.
i was relieved a bit when i heard the verses he read. The song caused me to wonder if he understood the problems with this world and how believers are supposed to be in the world but not of the world.