‘Omar Mateen was gay’: was a regular at gay bars including Pulse

Omar Mateen, the gunman who murdered 49 people in an Orlando gay club in early Sunday morning, was a gay man himself according to multiple people who knew and had met the man.

A gay man who attended the police academy in 2006 with Mateen said that the pair went out to gay bars and that at one point Mateen told the man he wanted to pursue a relationship.

Meanwhile, multiple people are now coming forward to say that they had spoken with Mateen on gay hookup apps including Grindr and Jack’d.

The shooter was also somewhat of a regular at Pulse, the sight of the Sunday massacre, with patrons of the club saying they saw him dozens of times at the venue.

Mateen’s horrifying attack was initially thought to be rooted in extremist Islamic ideology, but investigators now believe that may not have been the case.

‘He’s a homosexual and he was trying to pick up men,’ said Jim Van Horn, who called Mateen a Pulse ‘regular’ and described his approach to chatting with people in the club.



So we are once again safe from Islamic Terrorism. The pResident has found the reason behind Mateen’s hate. What will the narrative be by the administration when other people are arrested?

David DeGerolamo

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8 years ago

Wow. For a ‘champion’ of the LGBT/Q cause, our pResident sure has thrown his fellow sodomites under the bus on this one --

Paraphrasing the White Hut statement -- “Omar Mateen wasn’t a radical muslim terrorist with ties to ISIS or Al-Qaida; he was just an angry homosexual who felt isolated from his peers, and lashed out in his overwhelming social frustration. The issue here is “mental health”, not terrorism…

Mateen was a blatant homosexual and a registered Democrat. So I have to admit that, for once, I agree with this administration -- this *IS* a mental health issue.

Prior to the rise of Political Correctness, it was common knowledge that male homosexuals suffer from chronic mental illness, which renders them unfit to hold certain positions of trust within society. We need to return to reality and acknowledge that --

No homosexual should be permitted to obtain or hold any position of public responsibility or trust -- particularly where they hold supervisory authority over children, because homosexuality is a chronic mental disorder (c.f. “cyclothymia”/”dysthymia” a.k.a. “Persistent Depressive Disorder”) which, according to the American Psychiatric Association and their recently updated DSM-5 manual (2013), frequently devolves into what is called a “double depression” -- that is, an acute depressive episode which manifests on top of a chronic depressive state (95% of those diagnosed with dysthymia will experience a “double depression” in any given 10-year period) and that an acute episode of “double depression” is often sufficiently traumatic to instance a psychotic break into grandiose and/or persecutory paranoid delusion, often with suicidal and/or murderous ideation -- just as it did with Vester Lee Flanagan -- the homosexual man who murdered a Virginia news crew live on the air last summer, before turning his weapon against himself and committing suicide.

But rather than encourage these people to seek treatment, our society encourages them to remain mentally ill, by praising and encouraging their delusions regarding their “sexual identity”. Not only does this increase the danger to society that such a person will have a psychotic break and kill themselves or someone else; it is also cruel to those suffering from these mental illnesses, because it discourages them from admitting that they need appropriate psychiatric care, and thereby destroys any hope they and their families might have for their recovery.

I find it particularly informative that roughly than 90% of muslim men have had at least one homosexual encounter before reaching adulthood; and that in Arabian, Afghan, and Pashtun (Pakistan and western India), muslim societies, pre-pubescent boys are systematically sexualized and abused by muslim men, often members of their own families, and that this is considered “normal” behavior.


Average Joe
Average Joe
8 years ago

Unbelievable!!! We all know that islam is the religion of peace. We also know that sodomites are just a bunch of fun loving carefree spirits who simply want to be respected and loved. That means there is no way this, ah…not sure how to refer to him..opps sorry about that…man…no that won’t work either…ah…individual 😉 could not have murdered those people. Wait! Does that mean there was no crime?

8 years ago

Islam only sees the “gay” person as the feminine partner of the male couple. If a guy likes another guy, that’s fine. The guy that is bent over, is considered to be the unclean homosexual. The stronger more dominant male partner, is seen as doing nothing wrong, he is still a male exercising his dominance over another. That’s what all the rules,laws, the 5 pillars of Islam is all about: dominance.