On Developing Actionable Intelligence


A few folks had questions about how tactical site exploitation (TSE; also called Sensitive Site Exploitation, or SSE) and how to do that. You can download the Army’s Site Exploitation manual here.  My experience is on the backside of that, in exploitation, and not in the actual collection, although I’ve been through the training.  I’ll leave it to those PFCs, Corporals and Sergeants who have first-hand experience.

The thing about TSE is that we need tools available to us in order to exploit any evidence.  Exploiting DNA and fingerprints, for instance, are going to be generally beyond our reach.

While we don’t have any Document and Media Exploitation (DOMEX) units available to us, we do have the potential ability to exploit receipts, files and other paper documents, cameras, phones, computers and maybe other information storage systems.  This would be the Exploit and Analyze phases of F3EAD.  These things can often lead to actionable intelligence, however, there are much better avenues available to us that don’t require the Find, Fix, Finish phases of F3EAD.


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