I do not have a problem looking into the mirror. Except today. I do understand the events leading up to our Revolutionary War (or the Presbyterian War if you live in Great Britain). I do understand the courage necessary for our founding fathers to overthrow the chains of tyranny. And their personal sacrifices, depth of faith and their commitment to provide Liberty for their children.
Unlike most people, I also understand that our first President was John Hanson. I only state this because most people are not familiar with the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union. Most people are not familiar with the sacrifices of our soldiers since the Revolution. The blood and treasure that this country has spent to maintain Liberty has been too dear to abandon so cheaply. Today, we honor those who gave their blood for our Liberty. Unfortunately, like most Summer holidays, the true purpose has been replaced by a day off from work and a hot dog on the grill.
I have a problem with Memorial Day. I respect and honor the sacrifices of our soldiers since 1776. I do not honor our government which has transformed our military into a joke led by General Milley.
The oath to uphold the Constitution of the Republic means as much as the words of any politician. Our military does not honor their oath to the Constitution and they do not honor the office of the President of the United States by supporting an illegal regime. Our military forces are as much a puppet as Joe Biden.
Power corrupts absolutely as we see by our politicians grasping to maintain their hegemony over the world even as it is falling from their grip. Our politicians see no use for our “veterans” or their sacrifice: they use their selected military leaders as useful idiots. I understand that this is Memorial Day and not Veterans’ Day but consider this headline:
Homeless vets are being booted from NY hotels to make room for migrants
Consider how low this country’s leadership has fallen when the phrase “Make America Great Again” is considered racist. Then again, breathing and exhaling carbon dioxide is racist since it impacts “climate change”.
Now consider the mission statement of Oath Keepers:
Oath Keepers USA is a group of proud American Patriots who are dedicated to upholding the Constitution of the United States of America. Our members have rich, diverse backgrounds and include prior and current military, law enforcement, firefighters, first responders and civilians, all of whom have taken a solemn oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Our Mission is to honor our Oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Our Vision is that the United States of America endure in perpetuity as a Constitutional Republic.
We now “know” that this organization is composed of domestic terrorists. Oath Keepers did not forget the wisdom of Thomas Jefferson:
But we have. As the January 6th political prisoners rot in jail, add some relish to your hot dog and pray that the knock on your door does not come at 3:00 AM.
I honor those who have given their blood for this nation’s Liberty. I pray that the traitors in the government and the military who are leading us to nuclear annihilation are held accountable by those who have Sacred Honor and the courage to restore the Constitutional Republic.
David DeGerolamo
Next time it wont be to take selfies,
Here’s a little ride on the mindblender: Churchill (freemason) declared war on Germany in 1940. Had Churchill/England not done so, Germany may have suckerpunched Stalin and his bolshevik, totalitarian union. A decimated/defeated USSR would have likely meant the defeat of the political arm of satanism-aka communism. As Germany’s defeat at the hand of the “Allies” loomed, General Patton mouthed remarks about the necessity of taking the fight to and against the bolsheviks. So then the traitor, war criminal and incompetent commander Ike(himself a zionist and undercover khazar) had Patton summarily assassinated-in support of the khommunists and the zionists. America “won” WWII, not to keep us “free”, nor to ‘rid the world of fascism’, but rather to cement communism’s place on the world stage and to make the USSR a superpower. Americans have been bearing the brunt of US government malfeasance, wickedness, selfishness and greed for a long, long time. Praise for the selfless bravery, and pity for the fates of America’s true military heroes, dead and alive. Not so much for our perverted, satanic government.
Yes, American politics also amounts to ‘pick your satanist”, as the churches tout to their congregations to pray for their satanic leaders.
Wow, what statements are these? I know Ike had a Jewish parent,
and put millions of Germans in open air fenced prisons and the most
of them died from exposure and starvation. My 18 yr. Dad was “rescued”
by American soldiers that needed interpreters, and Pops being educated
spoke fluent English. He helped facilitate black market deals for the
rescuing US army boys. He survived and was lucky to be at the fence
line when the US boys called for English speakers.
War on Germany was declared in 1939…
Some of the most important work our founding fathers did for the American Revolution was to get the backing and funding from France.
With out that support there was no real chance the Revolution would have succeeded.
We had no gunpowder manufacturer, limited production of small arms and no artillery production..
The French sent us Dupont to establish gunpowder and cannons beyond what we captured.
RE: OATHKEEPERS — Keep in mind, whatever the LEFT says… the exact opposite is true. The LEFT is… “of Satan.”
Something from Bayou Renaissance Man that seems apt in our situation.
Link works, I just checked it. Slightly off topic but not really. Meme says if you pray to God to move a mountain, don’t be surprised to wake up with a shovel next to you.
That’s very, very true. I’ve learned the hard way that if I ask God to do something, more often than not the answer comes, “Well, get busy!” He has hands and feet and muscles on this earth; also a mind, eyes, ears and a voice. All of them are temporarily ours, borrowed from Him until we have to return the gift. He’s going to use them, too; and if we don’t let Him, we shouldn’t be surprised when our prayers are answered a lot more slowly, and a lot less frequently, than we might wish. Sure, He adds grace to the mix, but it all begins with our willingness to get our hands dirty and do what He asks us to do.
It can also take long-term hard work and dedication.
Folks seem not to realize the Irish Time ‘O Troubles lasted 30 years.
Vietnam 20+ years America 2nd place trophy SE Asia Wargames, Helicopters for the politically lucky.
Afghanistan 10+ years America flees overnight, leaving massive heavy arms.
The buildup of the American Revolution was almost a decade. Then when it got interesting, it was years before we stopped getting our heads handed to us every time we met up with the British Regulars. Something about the French lending us a French Nobleman named Lafayette and his training the American Regulars.
Other historical comments could follow but I think you understand the point.
Ephesians 6:12
English Standard Version
12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
Pray for wisdom, remember the proverbs about easily angered people.
Proverbs 16:32 Whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.
Proverbs 14:29 -- He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly.
Proverbs 19:11 -- The discretion of a man deferreth his anger; and it is his glory to pass over a transgression.
Ecclesiastes 7:9 -- Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools.
James 1:19-20 -- Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:
Dozens more, seldom is scripture supportive of the angry man and his actions. Frankly I’d love someone to point out a few.
Real trouble is nearby. Pray for wisdom.
Thank you David DG for your honest statements.
This Holiday also commemorates the day I walked away from an
abusive husband that was an iv drug abuser. I was not, and I had
completed 2 yrs of college credits, and later went to Nursing studies
and earned a BSN. I left with $200. and my jacket and nothing else.
America was not an honest country then, and I knew it, but there was
enough left to make a decent life. Thank God for my 2 best friends,
they helped me, and saved me.
Dave and Wes, I wish I was more computer literate.
I just watched over at Bayou Rennaissance Man’s site a tribute to our Sandbox soldiers by the Band Disturbed.
It cut me deep, as I know what was there. The soldiers comforting each other and the soldiers holding arab children comforting them.
The soldiers of that era and I suspect most of our current soldiers are good people forced to obey evil leadership.
But remember they are soldiers; they will obey what they understand as lawful orders.
It’s the cruel reality and again like the first civil war families and brothers will fight and kill each other.
Pray for wisdom and act on it.
Gotta love the fakebook cowards and their down arrows.
Too sad to put an actional comment if you really disagree?
And these “Heros” are going to save the Republic.
Agree, no doubt the same trolling coward who has been down voting great comments for weeks now. No doubt a pussy with the IQ of a squirrell or a fed. Same difference.
A little quiz:
A good quiz, pity nobody walks up to them when they are LIVE and have someone holding a for TV sign as they ask those questions of the “reporters”.
I’ve long suspected that “Live TV” has a built in 10-30 second delay for such antics. Seldom do you see any real antics on “Live TV” in the last few years.
I suspect a cut to advertisement and a police escort would be the result. I’d bet a “Hate Crime” would be the charge.
grif, my big concern is “Friendly Fire” as we have no way to ID “Friendlies” nor sadly reason to seek ID when things get frisky. Waiting to ID could get you and yours shot to bits.
We almost lost as many soldiers in the Sandbox-Afghanistan from friendly fire incidents and Blue on Green “Allied” troops incidents AND there we HAD UNIFORMS to ID us, then from “enemy action”.
Going to be far worse when all are in civilian clothing.
The Powers that be openly plan on population reduction of troublesome Americans (and Russians) to be replaced with more docile serfs for their Techo-Feudalism.
Our rifle behind every blade of grass terrified Yamato but is a bonus as we shoot up each other and other undesirable “Useful Idiots” like Burn Loot Murder and such.
Pray for wisdom, protect your family and trusted friends.
Its is a problem, no doubt. Would love to see Governors step up and resist and like minded flock to those states. If someone could organize a relocation to certain areas it would help determine who’s who, then screen all who would want entry if God forbid things go south in that manner. Though I have no hope of such. I think that is much more likely in smaller locals. Seems all Governors at this point have been compromised. I wonder if enough of us moved to certain locations if we could not install our own, but I am probably dreaming at this point and grasping for straws. There is no simple solution
Yes, pray for guidance, no one should want this but everyone should be prepared for it.
I like this one of Milley:
This communist Marxist chi-com agent is deserving of a firing squad along with the other 24 traitor generals at the joint chiefs. Everyone of Obamas handpicked selection must be put against a firing squad as well for treason and sedition, all 120 handpicked sodomite loving Marxist agents.