On Pulling Triggers

    These statements by baseball great Curt Schilling have just come to my attention:

     “We’re up against a side and a force that doesn’t play by the rules – refuses to play by the rules,” he said, adding of conservatives: “We get excited, and we get emotional; that’s it. They break the law; they do the things they need to do to ensure their agenda is driven forward – and we’re watching them gut our nation from the inside out, and I don’t know where the rubber’s gonna meet the road.”


     “[The American revolutionaries] sacrificed everything to come out from under a tyrannical government and, then, eventually, at some point, there was a man at Concord who decided he was gonna pull the trigger.”


     “And I feel like we’re getting back to a point where somebody’s gonna have to pull a trigger, because everything we hold dear – everything this country was founded on – is being just dragged through the mud and mocked and made fun of,” he said. “This country was founded on Godly principles – no matter how offensive that is to the left, it’s true.”

     Those statements are from an interview of Schilling by Jesse Watters. Watters gave Schilling a chance to walk back the “pull a trigger” rhetoric:

     “I’m going to assume you mean ‘pull’ the trigger metaphorically?” Jesse Watters asked.

     “Absolutely, well, no,” Schilling replied. “I mean, it doesn’t matter if I say metaphorically because they’re going to run with that quote no matter how I put it. I could have phrased it in any possible way saying, Stand up and fight and blah blah blah and I would be inciting a riot while Maxine Waters says, Get in their face and beat the hell out of them, publicly.”

     Every word is Gospel truth. A conservative cannot say anything that the Left won’t screech and rave about. Moreover, Leftists characterize their own rampages of violence and destruction as peaceful protests.

     They’ve killed and brutalized.
     They’ve tried to assassinate Republican legislators.
     They’ve destroyed billions of dollars’ worth of property.
     They’ve marshaled thugs to invade and shut down free-speech rallies.
     They routinely intimidate and threaten conservative figures scheduled to give talks.

Read the Whole Article Here…

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1 year ago

According to Romans 1, the Holy Scriptures state they are all deserving of death who commit such acts of perversion, filth, murder, Lies, Etc.

Last edited 1 year ago by Phil
Hell is for Hero's
Hell is for Hero's
1 year ago
Reply to  Hillbilly

Robin Sage has been a regulary conducted training exercise for decades. It’s the culmination of the Q Course.

1 year ago

Organized Spec Ops for such as some here advocate. On the ground not drones and high tech weapons.

1 year ago

Local and then state declarations of government illegitimacy due to failure to uphold the constitution are a good first move. Then challenge taxation.Follow the founding fathers.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Excellent article Wes, Curt Schilling is spot on, the fuse has been lit, it does not matter how you word it the communist left will be all over you. The truth cannot be suppressed, the communists have only one way to go and that is more force at the end of a gun. The people I talk to and associate with are ready willing and able, once it starts it will be like a wild fire and there is plenty of tinder that needs to burn.

Last edited 1 year ago by tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

You are spot on Tom, but along with the government backed lunatic Marxist commies will be the patriots fighting the entire burexracy of traitors comings out of all the alphabet deadbeat agencies. Once this goes kinetic they won’t stand a chance of surviving. There will be a sniper under every blade of grass in all the rural areas and they will gets there tear ends kicked and not one will ever return home to there marxist families.

1 year ago

Glad I never heard of Dollemore. What a dingbat. Guess he’s afraid someone will “pull the trigger.” Yeah, I’m tired of all the talk also. But much as I would like it to happen, I also realize it’s a no win situation. I know a lot of folks think otherwise; but I’ve done the math. Even so………..

1 year ago

It Is The Only Way.
The tuff part… is going to be shutting it down the great bleaching.

1 year ago

Well, whoever is going to pull the trigger better figure out how to do it without getting identified.
The technology is in place now, to remove ANYONE using very remote means. Go watch the Ray Gun episode of Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory show. They wiped out one of his guests in the hotel lobby after his interview.
Guns are for protecting your food and your self from other people with guns. Guns are NOT going to help you when a satellite based directed energy weapon decides to hit you with a frequency like 60GigaHertz which will stop your red blood cells from being able to absorb oxygen. Think Wuhan, China and the 10,000 5G transmitters they activated in 10/2019.
We need to run in packs. We will remove them from office and rip out their political underbelly from the bottom up. Huntington Beach, CA just elected 4 candidates who ran TOGETHER. Those 4 newly elected City Commissioners are now un-doing the millions in financial damage and they have banned sexchange books in the schools.
Other communities have banned Agenda 2021/2030 -- period. No UN crap for them… and much more is happening to remove the globalists and the corporate shills from office. And the 3rd Party parasitic class -- the ‘stakeholders’ who make their living doing the research, writing the federal grants, spewing crap at the citizens who object, etc., all to enact the globalists agenda. They are going too.
Bottom line: We have to be smart, keep our mouths shut, and form effective, relentless packs.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  60GigaHertz

Time is up in my opinion, there is no time left for voting or anything else, so guns will not defeat them, then turn them in. No offense yours is a defeatist argument, I will run with the other pack. Good luck.

yes,it is time
yes,it is time
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

yes, 60 sounds like a shill

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  yes,it is time

Could be.

1 year ago
Reply to  60GigaHertz

60 hertz this isn’t the first time you described this super weapon.

Please explain to me how “Running in large Packs” would reduce the effectiveness of this super cell tower (OH NOW it’s satellite weapons???) BUG ZAPPER?

So far, your illogic is staggering, maybe I simply don’t understand your logic chain?

DROP SOME LINKS Buddy. We DONT NEED Fear Mongering. We’ve got plenty enough troubles from real world ™ issues.

1 year ago

The ONLY language the criminal Communist left hears, listens to and will heed is the language of violence. Anything less is ignored.

1 year ago

The reason RELee would not sanction Guerrilla warfare was his belief the nation would never heal, civilian populations would be targeted for reprisals like they were in Kentucky. (Four members of my family were murdered by Champ Ferguson.) The article link I posted about La.adopting a 10th Amendment authority, to not comply with Federal acts, which are in conflict with their constitution was found unfavorable by a couple of you.
I am as angry as any who advocate armed rebellion. Few revolutions in history produce the desired results. Most have been worse than the rulers who were overthrown. The Confederation created in 1861 was made up of states which had taken back their right to govern themselves by either legislative acts or convention.
Legitimizing state independence and sovereignty would allow the Governor authority over each national guard unit. Many would be unwilling to serve because of non state loyalties. But state militias such as exist now would be under county and state authority. Not packs of vigilantes who might use the chaos as opportunity for murder and mayhem.
Texas v. White, an ambiguous ruling in 1869, stated that secession was illegal but it would not apply if any state dismissed its ruling as yet another non binding precedent.
Without a means to restore our founding principles accompanied by the rule of law, which little of exists at present particularly on the federal level, uncivilized war would make the civil war look like a skirmish.

1 year ago

Gee Curt, what’s stopping you? Or do you just blow smoke talking about Gaetz and Jordan blowing smoke? Assholes like Curt expect someone else to do what he wants.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
1 year ago

Schilling takes the words out of at least 50 million gun owners’ mouths in this country. Dollemore is the true enemy of America.