On the Partisan

Partisan. The word conjures up images of blind politics, cheering for the red or blue team and a decidedly shallow level of critical thinking. The historical meaning relates more to a group of light troops, particularly those behind enemy lines. Partisans strove against a numerically superior force, often one occupying their home or country, attempting to disrupt the status quo and prevent a foreign entity from exerting their will. We chose this word purposefully.

The true difficulty of living in the United States today is not the political paradigm. Most of our readership would strenuously disagree with the progressive political goals and worldview. A growing number also see problems with the conservatives, chief among them being the inability to conserve anything of cultural worth. The country and our society has changed immensely in the last decade and is nearly unrecognizable from the one most of us grew up in. Western man now exists in a country with foreign values, a foreign language, and a foreign way of life.

Most of you wouldn’t be here if the problems occurring in this nation were not self-evident. The answer lies in not describing the problems, or attributing them to a third-party, even if the blame is deserved, but in reforming our own lives and actions. The answer lies in a return to the foundation of what made Western Civilization peerless among recorded history. A return to reason, a rejection of post-modernism and relativism, a striving toward mastery of the body, mind and natural world. Virtues that no longer have a place in our society but inspired men to kill and die, such antiquated beliefs as family and things we hold sacred. The belief that some things should not have a price, some things should be held as sacrosanct. Frankly, a reactionary position that emanates from the core of who we are as a person, and what we believe. A position outnumbered, mocked as outmoded, and maligned by those who get their beliefs from celebrities and are content to repeat the catchphrase of the week. In a word, partisans.


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