On The Religious Sideshow Taking Over Nationalism

Public figures like Trump and Alex Jones rail against the ‘globalists’ and the ‘New World Order’ yet Christians eagerly yearn for the day when every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess in worship and servitude to their deity. The grand finale of the Christian story is the establishment of a one world religion! It’s almost as if Christians haven’t really thought all of this through and don’t really know what they oppose, what they are for, and why. Thus, when they make proclamations behind a podium at a rally, or on the set of their infotainment shows, or on social media, they end up looking ridiculous and making anything they associate with look ridiculous too. Christianity’s inherent universality and its entanglements with Judaism and Zionism mean that it is more than just a merely misguided or incoherent opposition. It is oftentimes a controlled opposition.

All in all, whether intentional or not, the result of so much Christian zeal has been the thwarting of White identity politics and the undermining of genuine, meaningful resistance to globalism. We don’t need it.

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Diva of Dance
Diva of Dance
1 year ago

“It’s almost as if Christians haven’t really thought all of this through and don’t really know what they oppose, what they are for, and why.” To let you know from where I’m coming, I am a Christian who is retired from the public school system. A couple of times there was a push to allow Christian prayer in the classroom. I was totally against it because I knew there would come a time when other religions (non-Christian) would want equal time….and rightly so. In my opinion every adult and child in that school has plenty of time BEFORE school to ask for their God’s/god’s blessing.

1 year ago
Reply to  Diva of Dance

Lot of truth to what you just said. Then there is the praying in public thing. I too am a Christian albeit not a church goer. Having had my fill of the various denominational idiosyncrasies, I opt for the bible instead. But there are many who join hands in a restaurant to ask a blessing (some among my own family members); and I join them so as not to embarrass them while embarrassing me since I take the closet thing literally. Now we have Muslims blocking streets for their prayers.

As for the article, which was very good for the most part, it should be remembered that what made America a powerhouse was the fact that everyone that came here absorbed the American culture and language despite their background. Sure, there were initial differences between the various cultures; but eventually we pulled together as a country. Today is different in that everyone is either for themselves or culturally aligned and opposed to the American ideal entirely.

1 year ago

The author of this piece seems to conflate christian with religion. The two are not equal at all. In fact, the head, if you will, of Christianity roundly condemns religion (in the sense of rote liturgical traditions). He makes it clear he’s urging for a relationship, not a set of rules. The author is correct in his premise that we do not need religion in nationalist movements, but incorrect to set up a loyalty to a country, race or ethnicity over the Kingdom of God.

Last edited 1 year ago by Notgettinganyyounger
1 year ago

The tragedy of today’s Christian is that most do NOT know the Scriptures. They may attend church, or get a little hearsay, but that is NOT studying the Word to know the Truth so as to identify the false. The only way to Know the One True God is to read HIS Word, pray & fellowship with HIM. (plenty of scripture verses to support this). Build that vertical relationship first. Make that your New Year’s resolution!