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Green Hornet
Green Hornet
10 months ago

And Liberty Safes sold him out for no reason. Just saw that the company is run by dnc donators. Apple told the feds to pound sand over a locked iPhone, Liberty should have done the same, but now they’re toast.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
9 months ago

Great title!!!
This is their plan.

9 months ago

They never learn. He knew they would come for him. And he did nothing. He therefore gave his consent to be arrested and thrown in prison for a long time. He is at their mercy. And they have no mercy. Hey, let’s vote for Trump. He’ll save him. Wait. Trump has abandoned the J6 people in prison. Now what you gonna do? Think.

9 months ago

Never allow yourself to be taken into federal custody. If you do you will regret it for the rest of your life. Make your house intruder unfriendly.

tom finley
tom finley
9 months ago

I really don’t think they care if you like it or not, they will be propped up by blackrock and the rest of the goon subsidiary’s. We are already wearing the armbands just like the Jews in nazi Germany, waiting to be rounded up and put in the railcars. I don’t think just saying no and resisting will stop them.