Pelosi and Soros?
Sometimes it seems like we are living in a nightmare. Making America Great Again is racist. Morality is replaced by gender identification. The government funds bioweapons to force people to submit to lockdowns and “vaccines” which are now killing more people than the bioweapon. Voter fraud selects our leaders and wars/medicine are manufactured for profit.
While the list goes on, the net effect is that the fraudulent 2020 elections have allowed our politicians to turn America into a third world shithole in just two years.
I wonder if Pelosi and Soros (or whoever you want to fill in the blank) made a bet similar to the above for one dollar:
We take a popular President who restored the nation economically, made us energy independent and initiated no new wars and fraudulently replace him in the 2020 election with a mentally deficit puppet to turn the nation into a lawless, bankrupt (morally and fiscally) and divided shithole in two years.
Bonus points:
- Initiate World War III
- Inflation over 10%
- Destroy our border
- Attack children through gender identification
- Replace the justice system with injustice and incarcerate political prisoners
I know this is not a dream. I know that the Lord is punishing us for our sins and apathy. Faith always provides the foundation upon which to edify a new beginning. When do we start rebuilding? When the evil is destroyed. Completely.
David DeGerolamo
Reap what you sow.
It’s important that you noted that Donald was a popular president. I believe that’s why he was put in there. An unpopular president like Hillary may have had more pushback with the lockdowns and the vaxx. Look how easy it was to get the MAGA folks to go along. He was perfect for the job at that time. Now someone else for different reasons is put in.
daughter’s a schwabbie!
If you would, just watch the first one minute clip.
This video is more than just a little weird. This came from Trump himself, released on Truth social oct.11, 2022.
Watched the first 15 minutes. I get really upset when it takes too long to get to the point. Maybe I’ll finish it…maybe not. But, I’ll say this…Muslim??? I have always suspected Obama. Bible says the AC hates the country that produces him -- not Kenya…America. Just my opinion FWIW.
The first minute is the Trump video. Which is what i was pointing at.
Yes, sir. Thank you.
Obummer’s Hawaii birth certificate is fake! and the woman that certified it was the only person to lose her life in an airplane ditching, after the engine blew up.
Trump shut down the entire economy initiating the great reset. Your version of history is bizarre.
This is how stupid they think we are.
Having worked in both healthcare and musical theatre fields, areas with higher than average participation rates for homosexuals (both male and female), even in those areas not everyone was gay, and I never worked with even one person in over 30 years who identified as transgender.
Transgender identification has historically only been a very small subset of the homosexual community, far less than 1%, but now we are seeing a 4000% rise in young kids identifying as trans, solely due to media propaganda. 4000%.
Somewhere, Satan is laughing.
When the people of a nation turn their backs on God there is always a price to pay. If His guidance is ignored then His protection is withdrawn and the enemies of that nation are given free reign to destroy that nation, enslave the people and scatter the remaining remnant. So it goes…
This x1000. Now is the time to repent and get right with God. David’s last paragraph nailed it -- our sins over time nurtured complacency & apathy which begets even greater sin. Get your own ship righted, then get out to help others. God Bless.
Little bets between the Rothschilds and the Rockerfellers…
In the dozens of times the lord punished the Jews, how long did the punishment last before the people had an opportunity to repent on average?
Yes, this is rhetorical.
Rumor is that Biden will sign EO in January to ban all assault rifles
There was been a lot of rumors in the last couple of years. Most never came true. We should be on the offensive not he defensive.
Can an EO eliminate the 2nd Amendment?
Not according to the Constitution, it can’t. In fact, they’re not even mentioned.
Everything coming out of this unelected cabal is illegitimate. So really the question is -- will the sheeple follow yet another eo issued by this puppet? Or will they finally say enough?
By constitutional law, executive orders only apply to empoyees of the executive branch of government. The executive branch is separate from the legislative branch, and cannot author law.
I think you just about covered it there…..
We don’t rebuild Dave, because this is satans final destructive hour on earth and he will gather 2/3 of the populace with him worldwide. After his destructive stunt God will return to judge him and cast him into the lake of fire and the rest of the people who took his mark willingly will be casted into hell for all eternity.
The Lord tells me to rebuild a moral country. That is what I will do.