It’s been about 15 years now since passenger airliners struck the World Trade Center towers on 9/11, and we are still suffering the consequences of that day, though perhaps not in the ways many Americans might believe.
The 9/11 attacks were billed by the Bush Administration as a “wake-up call” for the U.S., and neocons called it the new Pearl Harbor. But instead of it being an awaking, the American public was led further into blind ignorance. The event launched wars throughout the Middle East, energized by a strike-first doctrine which was supposed to bring unprecedented “democracy” to the region. Instead, the Middle East has now become as unstable as it was during WWII.
The penchant for Western governments to fund and train terrorist groups is now verifiable mainstream fact rather than being considered “conspiracy theory” as was the common accusation back in 2001. Pentagon papers outlining support for the formation of ISIS are available for anyone to read. The only disconnect that the public still seems to suffer from is that orthodox Republicans fail to recognize that the support for Islamic terrorism has been just as prevalent under Republican presidents (al-Qaeda) as it has been under Barack Obama. And, Democrats refuse to recognize that Barack Obama has been guilty of all the same criminal foreign policies they used to protest under George W. Bush.
Good heavens, David! Please tell me you are not agreeing with these “9-11 Truther” nutjobs, who think that Dick Cheney must have been crawling around in the Twin Towers on 9-10-2001, because “fire can’t melt steel” and “buildings can’t fall at free-fall speed unless it’s controlled demolition.”
I do not agree with the 911 Truthers.
Sorry about botching the 2nd link It should have been:
There are some still unanswered questions about things other than the buildings falling. The article also touches on some issues that have to be addresses if this nation is to have a chance of surviving.
Regardless of 9/11 and the arguments that point to U.S. involvement in that area as at least part of the cause, there is no vital national interest significant enough for our country to be involved in that part of the world.
A simple look at the mess our meddling has caused should be enough to cause even the most ardent war mongers to re-evaluate the claims that more of our blood and treasure are warranted. If for no others reasons than the number of maimed veterans and $19 trillion in debt, we need to remove ourselves from the sectarian, over 1,500 year old, family squabble. Not to mention now islam may actually achieve their goal of successfully invading and conquering Europe as we continue to destabilize the region.
In the words of Nancy Regan…JUST SAY NO!