After 17 years folks who don’t believe one word from Washington still cling tenaciously to their Whopper of Fake News that Muslims took down 3 skyscrapers.
Truth is truth. It is not agenda-based. Agendas blind men to the truth. speak the truth and actually has skin in the game.
Well I agree but I’m guessing that I should practice my ability to withstand waterboarding in case some nut job decides I’m a terrorist
Bloody Gina.
Amen. I’d like to add a package of bacon to every warhead aimed at terrorists-just saying.
After 17 years folks who don’t believe one word from Washington still cling tenaciously to their Whopper of Fake News that Muslims took down 3 skyscrapers.
Truth is truth. It is not agenda-based. Agendas blind men to the truth. speak the truth and actually has skin in the game.