Thank you for the video. Very good information.
Who is John Galt?
enn ess
3 years ago
Much truth to what says, a certain amount of Colld actually is beneficial for the body overall. The downside is as you age it gets harder to tolerate the cold unless you have been exposed to it your entire life. Being “climatized” has advantages. as towage your metabolism naturally slow down (why older people are more likely to be overweight). And if you’v experienced a few too many bouts of frostbite on the extremities, it’s even harder to stay warm.
I would just stink a lot more.
Thank you for the video. Very good information.
Who is John Galt?
Much truth to what says, a certain amount of Colld actually is beneficial for the body overall. The downside is as you age it gets harder to tolerate the cold unless you have been exposed to it your entire life. Being “climatized” has advantages. as towage your metabolism naturally slow down (why older people are more likely to be overweight). And if you’v experienced a few too many bouts of frostbite on the extremities, it’s even harder to stay warm.