Ongoing Support Needed For Bundy Ranch

Bundy Ranch

The Bundy Family, and the supporters on the ground at their Ranch, including Oath Keepers, have put out the call for continuing support. Needed are:

  • Pop up tents
  • Sleeping bags
  • Food
  • Water

This will be a long struggle. The BLM and Harry Reid have stated that it is not over.  We Oath Keepers plan on being there as long as it takes.  Elias Alias, our Editor and Board member, is on his way to the Bundy Ranch today, for an extended stay. He’s 67 years old, and a Vietnam Vet, who still heeds the call of freedom.

Men and women, from all corners of the nation,  are rotating in and out of the Bundy Ranch. While they are there, they need our support. If you are going there yourself, please consider bringing extra supplies, such as the above. If you want to support our efforts with financial contributions, ($$$$), Use the form below:


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10 years ago

Is there a Bus leaving for Bundy ranch or any one willing to take food to help out.