Online jihadists suggest Navy Yard shooting was terrorism as US authorities look for clues to motive in murder of 12 Navy workers

by Bill Gertz


Several online jihadists suggested Islamists were behind the deadly shooting at the Navy Yard as federal and local police investigated the motive behind the attack.

U.S. officials said there were no immediate signs that terrorists were behind the attack at the Naval Sea Systems Command office.

A total of 13 people, including the shooter Aaron Alexis, were killed and about a dozen others wounded at the Washington Navy Yard office located on a base in southeast Washington. The Navy Yard is located less than three miles from the White House.

Washington Mayor Vincent Gray told reporters that the investigation into the attack is ongoing and it is far too soon to draw any conclusions.

“We don’t know what the motive is at this stage,” Gray said, adding that the investigation is ongoing. “We don’t have any reason at this stage to suspect terrorism, but certainly it has not been ruled out.”



As many suspected, Aaron Alexis is being linked by jihadists as a martyr for Islam. At this point, nothing has been verified other than 13 people have lost their lives because their 2nd amendment rights were nullified by the federal government. If you were a terrorist, why would you not target a military “gun free” zone?

As expected, Diane Feinstein is reasserting her personal jihad to pass restrictive gun control measures:

“When will enough be enough?” Feinstein said in a statement Monday evening.

If this turns out to be an Islamic attack, pResident Obama will minimize it as another example of “workplace violence”.

David DeGerolamo

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