An incredible piece of “liberal logic”. An extension of this logic would be:
People who vote, support voter fraud because they do not vote for politicians who will stop it.
Of course politicians who would stop voter fraud would never be elected. The best course of action would be to not participate in evil and fight for our Liberty.
David DeGerolamo
Only good guys who run convienience and liquor stores cause dui’s. Stealing liquor, strawman purchase of liquor, family supply of liquor, becoming an alcoholic, all the fault of good guys.
This one could be a poster child for the propaganda channel.
What a dingbat… What is a bad guy… Why can’t the “bad guy” go to a gun store and buy a gun? Hunter Biden did it..
Fast and Furious anyone.
I forkin hate liberals
your equation is flawed, dear, go back to the board, erase it all and start again. Yet, another douche bag making zero sense and wasting air that other people could be using.