Evil Is Attacking with Impunity While We Will Do Nothing

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2 years ago

That is called “projection”. Once you understand that tactic you can effectively deal with it. However the opposition party needs to step up and call it what it is. Educate the voters!

2 years ago
Reply to  mosaicwolf

You are right, this wicked evil democratic party always projects their wicked behavior onto the other party who does not do such things, so as to try and alter and divert away from what they are doing using the msm continually. These are all satans children doing his bidding.

Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago
Reply to  mosaicwolf

It’s called… what’s that word? Projection.

comment image

2 years ago

I keep thinking the best thing would be for Russia to drop one on NYC, DC and/or LA so we can get this show on the road. Tired of waiting.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

This lying POS, obiden is nothing more than a demented puppet.

2 years ago

“Evil Is Attacking with Impunity While We Will Do Nothing”

Cool huh?

2 years ago

liar, liar pants on fire!!!!

robehr orinsky
robehr orinsky
2 years ago

Many times as I strolled through a store I had to ask myself why I was different as everyone in masks was looking at me like they could kill me . The only time I ever put one on was at Meijer when they had the sweetest little Downs Syndrome girl at the door giving out masks and asking if you would please wear it . I slapped that sucker on and grinned ear to ear as I realized that someone at Meijer was smarter than me , heh . Darn ! I meant this for the article before . But , hey , it’s a good and true story . She was the purttyest little thing you ever seen ! And so sweet !

strider 777
strider 777
2 years ago

Joe is demon possessed. And so are all of his political comrades, friends, supporters and followers. How else can one explain it?