Open Letter to NC Citizens

Dear citizens of North Carolina,

In response to the mis-information you are being given by Rep. Harry Warren (and others), about House Bill H328 – Highway Safety/Citizens Protection Act, make no mistake, this bill IS about “undocumented immigrants”, their ability to drive to the jobs they have taken away from unemployed citizens of N.C. and about making it easier to come to and remain in N.C.

In fact, under section 6 § 20-37.8A. (c) (5) (i) of this bill, it directly states: “A State agency or official shall not use any information submitted as part of the application process for a restricted identification card to seek the removal from the United States of the applicant or for any purpose other than the issuance of  the restricted identification card. Nor shall a State agency or official release information pertaining to the immigration status of an applicant for a restricted identification card, except where expressly required by law to do so. “

How do you like them apples?

Section 6 of this bill also allows for any and all illegal aliens in the State of North Carolina to be eligible to receive a “restricted” North Carolina Driver’s License/permit and/or N.C. ID card. This bill is not about licenses/permits/ID cards for the DACA approved illegal aliens in N.C. They are already receiving their “restricted” N.C. driver’s licenses/permits/ID cards. Upwards of 50,000 of them have been issued so far.

The reason the word restricted is in quotation marks is because the NC. driver’s license/permit/ID cards do have some limitations on them.

Those are:

1) it can not be used to register to vote (you and I know that, but how many people who are registering people to vote, are going to know that or even abide by it?)
2) it can not be used as a legitimate ID to enter government buildings (big penalty huh?)
3) it can not be used to board aircraft (well, yes it can and the TSA in California is already allowing it:

Other than that, it is the exact same license as you and I received. It can be used as official identification and/or for driving purposes just like the one you have. There are no driving restrictions placed on the “restricted” driver’s license/permit. The Reps supporting it like to mince words and say it is “NOT A LICENSE”. It is a “RESTRICTED driving PERMIT”. Well what’s the difference if those are the only restrictions placed on it?

This has nothing to do with the “broken immigration system” or “the failure of Washington to do their job” excuses the Reps are espousing. The Supreme Court of the U.S. has ruled that States DO HAVE THE RIGHT to protect themselves by enforcing those very same Federal laws against illegal immigration, at the State level. In fact, anyone who fails to enact and enforce those laws at the State level is just as guilty of a dereliction of duty as our Legislators in D.C. are.

Quite frankly, lawmakers who actively support making it easier for illegal aliens in N.C. are, violating the U.S. Constitution (Title 8 – Chapter 12 – Subchapter II – Part VIII – § 1324 – Aiding, Abetting, Harboring, or Encouraging Illegal Aliens).

They are violating their N.C. oath of office:

“I, __________, do solemnly swear affirm that I will support and maintain the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the Constitution and laws of North Carolina not inconsistent therewith; that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the State of North Carolina, and to the constitutional powers and authorities which are or may be established for the government thereof; and that I will endeavor to support, maintain and defend the Constitution of said State, not inconsistent with the Constitution of the United States, to the best of my knowledge and ability; and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office; so help me, God.”

And they are violating North Carolina General Statute N.C.G.S. § 14-230. (willfully failing to discharge duties), North Carolina Constitution Art I Sec 5 (Allegiance to the United States) and Sec 29 (Treason against the State) and as such are guilty of misbehavior in office and should be charged with such.

On the one hand H328 offers some very good enforcement measures that deter illegal immigration into N.C., and on the other hand it offers a huge incentive for illegal aliens to come to N.C. , all within the same bill.

Why jump through all these hoops to accommodate illegal aliens who shouldn’t be here in the first place. Simply enforce the law, they will leave, and we won’t have to go through all these contortions.

Why are we rewarding people who have broken the law, with a North Carolina driver’s license/permit?

Unless you agree with this type of action by your lawmakers, I urge you to contact your State Representative and demand they “Remove section 6 and THEN pass the bill”.

James Johnson
President NCFIRE- North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement
Twitter: @NCFIREJames
NCFIRE Hotline: 1-855-NCFIRE1 
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