Open Letter to the President Barack Obama – T.L. Davis

TLDavisMr. President

Today, there are families who question the direction of the nation. There are fathers and mothers trying to figure out how to pay the bills, to put children through college, to just get by everyday when wages have been depressed by overwhelming unemployment. I know it is at 7.8%, but that doesn’t tell the whole story. Your economists understand what I am saying.

We are a nation saddled with many bills and deficits that are not realistically ever going to be repaid. For example, the treasury receives around 2.3 trillion dollars in revenue every year, but spends nearly 5 trillion, or 5,000 billion dollars. There are concerns that to continue to operate the federal government, social security, medicare, medicaid, etc., the government is going to have to devalue the dollar. QE 1&2 didn’t do it. The Stimulus package went largely to government entities as grants and such. This is not a criticism, but it is a fact. That money did not filter down to small business.

Here’s the fact of the matter: we have had enough.

We will resist at all costs your efforts, because we know the result. The result is Washington D.C. and its murder rate; Chicago  and its murder rate versus Wyoming and its murder rate and I mean by per capita, not totals.

You are welcome to ask me how many I am willing to kill to retain my rights as soon as you are willing to answer my question: How many are you willing to kill to get them?


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