Open Letter to the Tea Party Nation

I read with interest several comments on the TPN website about a post of mine that had been reproduced there. Some very good questions were raised. Most of them about what I might have ever done, what I expected the Tea Party Nation to do, etc. Well, it was directed at the whole Tea Party, but TPN is a significant contributor to qualify.

What the Tea Party as a whole could be doing is reaching out to local PatComs, you can research the movement at any number of the websites on my sidebar and if your interests are the same, you might consider joining one, or putting one on yourself. If not, we understand.

Another thing would be to help fund a Liberty Defense Fund for those of us who are willing to push the buttons of the government that has taken everything from us. We will push back, but it is a lonely feeling in a jail cell with only your poor cellmates for comfort. I am not suggesting that we would do anything not legal under a proper understanding of the Constitution. But, what they make illegal by illegal means can only be challenged by accepting the fact that you will be arrested. A legal defense fund could help us exonerate ourselves and provide some interesting case law for the Supremes to hear. Either way, one does not have to support any action to provide funds for the defense of people who did nothing but stand their Constitutional ground.

You could push the politicians you have gotten elected to make a stronger case for investigations into the actions, as having Constitutional oversight responsibility, of many of the abuses of the Obama Administration, put up a fight for the Constitution.

Other than that, you might embrace us, even if from afar as kindred, if a bit unruly spirits. Disown us publicly if you must, but don’t let us swing.

If you could help with these few things, you will find a group of individuals who cannot wait to poke the bear. We are, in effect, asking for a little paint and some hatchets to help us have our own little Tea Party.

I know you think this can still be handled politically. The Liberty/Patriot Movement rejects that completely. It is off the rails already, waving a lantern in warning will do no good now.

What have I done? I was with Judson at the first Tea Party Convention. I was at several Tea Party events where we faced off with SEIU, most notably in Grand Junction, CO and I was there at Glenn Beck’s 9-12 event, I have evidence of everything I say, for the doubters. What I have done since is also known within this small, but able party of patriots. When I say I have pledged my life, my treasure and my sacred honor, I have lost all but one in the pursuit.

Where I broke with the Tea Party is when it refused to see that the gig was up, that no amount of favorable elections would ever change the avalanche of excrement headed our way. Time is short, the economic shell game cannot last forever. It is time to prepare and to start poking the bear, legally, but not without consequence.

Do a little of this homework and think about it, we are here and ready when we think we might get a little cover from our brothers.

T.L. Davis

TL in Exile

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