Open Page for Comments on Our Banana Republic

The website for donating money to Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign has crashed due to volume:

Read the comments on any news report concerning the verdict to get a sense of anger against the government.

David DeGerolamo

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Green Hornet
Green Hornet
7 months ago

I expect shootings, arson, maybe bombings to begin soon. All by “maga”, but in reality govt psy-ops.

kal kal
kal kal
7 months ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

Black pajamaed antifarts and burn, loot and murder dressed in MAGA red! You gotta know it’s what the government plan is and aided by the FBI.

Green Hornet
Green Hornet
7 months ago

I disagree with Scott Adams. My hill is and will always be my family and those I love. Alamo 2.0

7 months ago

No comfortable american is willing to do anything but meme, donate, vote or bitch. Those strategies no longer apply in 2024.

Mike in Canada
Mike in Canada
7 months ago

If you haven’t already, it is time to make certain decisions and ensure your house is in order.
They are coming. We cannot get out. They are coming…

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
7 months ago
Reply to  Mike in Canada

To borrow a phrase… You’re all locked in here with me!
Its about to be open season you realize? Thats what this is. The last box, the jury box, is officially dead. We open the last one now.

Big Ruckus D
Big Ruckus D
7 months ago

Meh. This was a preordained outcome. It had to happen, because there are still far too many people who think things are normal and big trouble isn’t incoming. This will probably clue a few more people into the fact their futures are in real peril, but I don’t expect critical mass to be reached until it becomes obvious assassinations and disappearances of govt enemies are well underway, and people are actually going hungry. Those are further steps in the process that lay a bit down the road yet, but we’re closing on them rapidly.

7 months ago
Reply to  Big Ruckus D

We’re past the warning…

Big Ruckus D
Big Ruckus D
7 months ago

Yes, we are. But far too many still don’t realize that, which is the point I’m trying to drive home. It will require events so over the top obvious (assassinations, large numbers of people being disappeared by the leftist juggernaut) and suffering so undeniable (going hungry) to shake most from their passivity, that there will be virtually no chance of the masses stopping what is planned, by the time they are moved to action.

My outlook now is not to get outraged at the daily insult dujour (today’s being Trump’s conviction, which has all the usual suspects in a tizzy) because I already knew it would happen. I know other similar events are more or less preordained to happen as this process plays out.

Most of those events will similarly create a momentary furor over “how unfair it is”, but such indignation has a short shelf life before it loses it’s potency and the masses are distracted by something else. Which is why they will keep losing ground, until one day they find themselves in a gulag.

History gives us many such examples of how this plays out, and human nature is disappointingly predictable as regards situations like the one we now find ourselves. The few who have an innate understanding of what is going on, and how it ends up, will not be able to pull the masses along. The “sheeple” will have to come to their own awakening, but it will happen too late to benefit most of them, and certainly to have a chance of preventing a blow up of life we’ve known it.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
7 months ago
Reply to  Big Ruckus D

What happens when the govt people start to be disappeared?

Big Ruckus D
Big Ruckus D
7 months ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

That would be a truly positive development, in my opinion. It would show that the battle is finally being taking seriously by the civilian side, and would help shift the overton window, to the extent people actually heard about it happening. It is a turn of events that would cause me to raise a toast to those who made it happen, certainly.

I’d mention one other wrinkle: at some point, govt will certainly go about disappearing some of their own. As the limits of ideological extremism are pushed ever further, some who think themselves good soldiers for the king will suddenly find themselves outside the lines of decorum for the party, and they will be dispatched for failing the ongoing purity tests. I’ll count these as a win also, as any reduction in govt stooges is always and everywhere a good thing, irrespective of who makes it happen.

More seriously, such actions becoming routine are just another marker on the road we are travelling. It is almost certain govt will be the first one to start disappearing inconvenient dissidents in quantity. Their insatiable thirst for censorship (which is just shorthand for complete control of the narrative and over all information disseminated) will drive them to do that, because they absolutely cannot stand -- or allow -- counter-narrative disagreement; that is a mortal sin against the state.

Once that becomes a common enough event to be widely known, I figure there will be similar actions taken by dissidents against their oppressors. Most govt functionaries, save for those at the very highest levels -- do not have 24/7 armed security, and they wouldn’t want to live a lifestyle that put them in that position anyway. Which is to say they can be gotten without all that much effort. The only thing preventing that in polite society is the likely consequences to those who do the “getting”.

Once it becomes fully apparent to a large number of serious dissidents that they are being actively targeted, they are left with two choices: wait for the strike team to come and take them away, or start hitting the enemy where they sleep and eat and live, since the consequences are almost certainly identical in either case. If one figures out they are good as dead already by their inaction, it is a pretty good bet they will decide to take action.

There is a third, but very unpalatable choice: go into deep hiding. This is difficult as it requires leaving everything behind, and having to live seat of the pants with no traceable employment or income, and no permanent residence. There are places rural enough one might evade detection, but it is a lifestyle most are not remotely prepared to tolerate due to it’s complete isolation, and the need to always be looking over ones shoulder. One slip up in opsec ends the game.

Really, this is only useful if one can keep it up long enough for the leviathan to collapse and the smoke to clear so they can return to a more normal living situation, without still being a target for elimination by the govt. It could take many years to outlive “the beast” while staying off the radar, so this won’t be a practical choice for most.

John T
John T
7 months ago

Im a remodeling contractor in a well known suburb of Mordor.
I made the decision to never do any job for known democrats or Biden voters the year that potatoe was elected. Ive lost some business but not enough to cause me harm and I dont have to listen to the utter ignorance of those types of people. I think more people need to shun anyone that supports this clown show. I hope more people will do just that. Its not much but it is something
Regards JT

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
7 months ago
Reply to  John T

Yes. This is the peaceful way to separate.

Big Ruckus D
Big Ruckus D
7 months ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

Only until one manages to draw the attention and ire of a commissar, or some other operative who reports to them. Then one is marked for “handling”. Peaceful, passive resistance works up until it doesn’t.

The bar for what qualifies one as a dissident and problem to be dealt with will be continuously lowered until no one is considered a non-combatant. That is the part of the story that has now begun in earnest, with yesterday’s events.

The essence of this situation is that we just want to be left alone to ply our trades, and live our lives in peace. The left will permit no such accommodation, as it is entirely antithetical to their mindset. They are the ultimate authoritarian busy body Karen’s, and imposing on others to cause them suffering is what animates them.

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
7 months ago
Reply to  John T

Good for you, man!

7 months ago

The entirety of America has just witnessed the utterly corrupt, treasonous, and treacherous Democrats drive a stake through the heart of what is left of our dying republic; they have done this by way of an unethical, unprincipled, unjustified, unlawful, immoral and shameful prosecution a totally innocent man, namely, President Donald Trump.
Now, the big question is this: if the so-called judge, the pretender who is now presiding over a kangaroo court, sentences President Trump to prison, will the American people rise-up in righteous revolt?
We shall see.

Danny Boy
Danny Boy
7 months ago
Reply to  strider777

It’s all a corrupt D.C. Uniparty, political claque, crime syndicate, Thirsty. “utterly corrupt, treasonous, and treacherous Democrats,” what laughable ignorance.

7 months ago
Reply to  Danny Boy

Danny, my boy, I am not ignorant of the fact that there are many RINOs who are as guilty of treason as the Democrats. However, there are still a few genuine patriots left in the Republican party. I support them.
The reason I only mentioned the Democrats is that the show trial took place in New York City, a Democrat-controlled communist hellhole. Not even a treasonous RINO is permitted to hold power there.

tom finley
tom finley
7 months ago
Reply to  strider777

TINVOWOOT my friend.

7 months ago
Reply to  tom finley

True, my friend, 100%.

Tom Winslow
Tom Winslow
7 months ago

I just finished sending this to my NC congressmen and house reps and posted on social media:

A Social Media Post of Condemnation: A Call to Wake Up

The level of incompetence exhibited by the Republicans in Washington is beyond belief. Their actions, or lack thereof, teeter on the brink of betrayal against the United States and the Constitution they swore to uphold. Their ineptitude is not just alarming; it is dangerous. In a critical moment, they arm themselves with knives in the face of a gunfight and, in a baffling twist of absurdity, hand these very knives to their opponents, the Democrats.

While Republicans maintain a facade of politeness, business decorum, and professional niceties, the Democrats are decisively cutting their throats—and by extension, the throats of the American people. This naivety, this tragic miscalculation, places Republicans not just in the camp of the foolish but squarely in the camp of the complicit.

What is worse, the Democrats possess the audacity to look their opponents in the eye and declare their intentions plainly, even if those intentions are to undermine and destroy. In contrast, the Republicans smile, shake hands, and whisper words of camaraderie, only to stab their own supporters in the back while maintaining a veneer of friendship.

This betrayal by the Republicans is unforgivable. Their pretense of loyalty while engaging in acts of treachery is more despicable than any openly declared adversary. The time has come to see through this charade and hold them accountable for their actions.

Damn the Republicans! This is a call for awakening and action against their duplicitous games. America deserves leaders who are forthright, competent, and genuinely committed to the welfare of the nation. We must demand better, and we must do it now.

Tom Winslow, Catawba, NC 2024

Tom Winslow
Tom Winslow
7 months ago

I just now sent the following to my NC Congressman and to my NC House reps. Also, posted on several social media sites:

A Social Media Post of Condemnation: A Call to Wake Up

The level of incompetence exhibited by the Republicans in Washington is beyond belief. Their actions, or lack thereof, teeter on the brink of betrayal against the United States and the Constitution they swore to uphold. Their ineptitude is not just alarming; it is dangerous. In a critical moment, they arm themselves with knives in the face of a gunfight and, in a baffling twist of absurdity, hand these very knives to their opponents, the Democrats.

While Republicans maintain a facade of politeness, business decorum, and professional niceties, the Democrats are decisively cutting their throats—and by extension, the throats of the American people. This naivety, this tragic miscalculation, places Republicans not just in the camp of the foolish but squarely in the camp of the complicit.

What is worse, the Democrats possess the audacity to look their opponents in the eye and declare their intentions plainly, even if those intentions are to undermine and destroy. In contrast, the Republicans smile, shake hands, and whisper words of camaraderie, only to stab their own supporters in the back while maintaining a veneer of friendship.

This betrayal by the Republicans is unforgivable. Their pretense of loyalty while engaging in acts of treachery is more despicable than any openly declared adversary. The time has come to see through this charade and hold them accountable for their actions.

Damn the Republicans! This is a call for awakening and action against their duplicitous games. America deserves leaders who are forthright, competent, and genuinely committed to the welfare of the nation. We must demand better, and we must do it now.

Tom Winslow, Catawba, NC 2024

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
7 months ago

As I previously opined on Sido’s site, I have long held that the persecutions of Trump and other figures has been primarily to incite the ire and evoke violence by MAGA’s against The State/the communist left SO THAT the perverts that be will have their justification for WAR against Americans and tptb can loose the woke military’s hardware upon the conservatives, the patriots, the Christians, and ESPECIALLY the White Males in America. That they are costing Trump, and others, treasure/blood/sweat/tears in the process is merely a plus-up to the perverts that be. And if the MAGA’s won’t step up and start the party the FIB and their “informants” will be employed to pose as MAGA’s and false flag us all into a civil war. You are the protagonist in a dystopian horror movie. Train like it.